Engine vibration

Does your spinner have a center-support on the inside to center it? If so it’s supposed to have some shims to make the hub have full contact with the inside of the spinner. Sometimes those gaskets can get compressed or lost/left out.
I took the spinner off and rotated it 180 degrees the other day. It does not have a center support.

This machine is carbureted. No aux fuel pump. We had 2 power losses last year, and in that investigation, felt heat soak/vaporization could have occurred. Installed a new fuel pump, but after further discussion with other owners, I decided to take the engine driven fuel pump out of the circuit (a la 172, gravity feed, as gravity never fails), and its run fine ever since. Fuel flows (per the Dynon) are just where I expect them to be and havent changed. Oh...and propellor track.... checked that the other day... no differences noted.

I'm wondering if this is something I did with the last few visits under cowl... like the prop balance, spinner, etc. The prop balance seemed to improve the slight vibration I had prior. But this is now quite noticeable at 2400RPM.

Once the deep freeze loosens its midwest grip here, will take it up. Thanks for all the suggestions!