Engine Surging


Pattern Altitude
Apr 7, 2005
Lincoln, NE
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I fly an old 182 on occasion. I have no problems with it except for one question. Upon climbing through about 9,500 the engine will surge on occasion. It's not a constant thing, just every now and then. It hasn't gotten any worse and there are no others symptoms that I've noticed. I thought maybe I wasn't leaning enough but I don't think thats it. Anyone have any ideas?
What does the oil pressure needle do on these occasions? Is it a surge up or down from the governed setting?
Is it running MoGas or 100LL? Is it one surge or a sustained series?
Old as in carb'ed O470? Baldders? Fuel Quality? Carb Icing?
Like one mag not firing kinda surge or cylinders not firing kind?
When it happens again, note what the MP and oil pressure do. Why do you think your initial thought of not being lean enough is incorrect?