Engine shutter??

bahama flier

Pre-takeoff checklist
Jan 15, 2014
Deland, Florida
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bahama flier
An hour of flight, over the Atlantic, my motor started to just shutter for a second, not skip, just shook, it happened about every minute for an hour. I was on the way to the Bahamas and past the point of no return, at 7500 ft.

After I landed, I called my Mechanic, first checked for water in fuel, then plugs and wires. All looked normal but,,,,, I noticed a blown exhaust manifold gasket and exhaust blowing on one plug.

My mechanic said it was causing a pre-ignition on that plug and when it fired, it was firing backwards on the motor causing a shutter rather than a skip. He told me not to lean the motor on my return trip, the cooler fuel should not fire prematurely.

He was right, no shutter on the return trip. I really should check my exhaust gaskets closer.
I know many of you know this already, but I just passed in on for the benefit of the one like me that did not know this.
Pre-ignition? Pretty sure there would be a catastrophic failure shortly thereafter if it was indeed pre-igntion.
Good thing it wasn't a turbocharged engine - blown exhaust gasket or cracked exhaust pipe are nothing to trifle with....
Solid info, always scary when the plane is acting different than normal..
Bahama Flyer - good thread. These are why I started coming here in the first place. Nobody is ever going to experience everything that could happen but between the members here we have a large portion of it covered - kind of like the monkeys and the typewriters scenario.
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