I thought about this on the way to work this morning.
I flew from KWAY to KCKB and while winds were calm on the surface, they were out of the south at 20 knots or so at 1000' AGL.
(While I prefer to fly 500' AGL, I climb to 2300' --1000' AGL -- or so over the larger towns of Fairmont and Clarksburg)
CKB Tower asked me to report a 4 mile final.
Reduced power to 2400 RPM, maintained 80 MPH, slowly descended to 500' AGL...
I finally reached 4 miles out, called in, leveled off, set power to 2500...
VASIs are all white -- but if I was on glide slope out this far, I'd never make the runway.
1 mile final, finally reduced power to 1000, pulled carb heat, trimmed for 60 -- down, down, down.
Decent touchdown about 1000' feet down the runway (intentional -- otherwise it's a
looooong taxi to parking!)
I don't know what my final approach angle was, but VASI was all white until I pulled power 1 mile out, then I ignored the VASI.
On a related note -- I topped off with Mogas yesterday afternoon, flew an hour last night, flew 55 minutes this morning, filled up with 100LL when I arrived at CKB -- total fuel burn?
6 gallons.