Engine Analyzers

My favorite thing about my EDM is how after I hear or feel something, whether real or imagined, I can look at totally normal temperture values. Especially in stressful conditions. That's been worth the price of the instrument.
That might be an argument for the other side of the argument. Your engine monitor might give you a false sense of security. You might "hear or feel" the bolts coming out of the prop, but the engine monitor tells you everything is fine, so you proceed over the Everglades. (If you don't like that example, it is easy to make up a different one).

There are always exceptions.
(I might make that my new tag line).
Electronics International Sale: UBG16 Engine monitor - $400 rebate, making the price about $1100 plus install. Includes EGT & CHT probes, add the rest of the sensors as you go.