Some of the best flying in the country is in Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah...? What's up?!?
Mea culpa, mea culpa! My airplane was down for two months this summer. Actually, the reason it was down was because of the CONUS challenge. I probably shouldn't admit this, but what the heck. I had a new propellor, and I was knocking off some little airports close to home just to test the new prop (wish I'd done it years ago) and to get them into the CONUS challenge. I landed at a little airport N of here and was distracted trying to position the airplane for a photo--there isn't much room for such frivolity at this airport. It also has very narrow taxiways, and there was a crosswind, and for the first time in my 18-year flying career I dinged an airplane. Caught the wingtip on something, and cracked the rear wing spar (if you ever need a demonstration in the power of levers, that's it). I wrote D***! D***! D***! in my logbook.
If I had to do something that witheringly stupid, though, I picked the best possible situation. Right on that little out-of-the-way airport was one of the best older-model airplane fixers in the NW, and he just pulled my airplane into his hangar and took over, coordinating all the repairs and repainting, working with my insurance company (which was WONDERFUL, by the way), and letting me help him, which meant I learned about my wing up close and personal (and it was the left wing, which has all the gizmos). Finally got it back a couple of weeks ago, better than ever. I say better, because he found some slight wear in the aileron cable, and so replaced that and tightened up the cables, which were a little loose, and I really like the feel.
Oh, but I got the picture! It's 73S, Tekoa, if you want to see the scene of the crime.
But I'm back on the case. I just got Kanab, UT.