Pre-takeoff checklist
This morning I did a short XC from KPDK to KGVL and back in an Archer II.
Shortly after takeoff, the EGT quit on me, but no biggie. Continued on to Gainesville without a hitch, did a touch and go, made a crosswind departure, and headed back towards PDK.
As I reached altitude and started reducing power, I began to adjust the trim accordingly. Well, the trim wheel felt a little tight and then suddenly spun freely and the cable snapped and became all wrapped up on the side of the wheel.
Had to keep some serious back pressure for the whole trip back. Then decided to slow the plane down and let the flaps help out. This helped level things out and required a lot less back pressure to keep the thing from sinking.
The approach/landing was certainly a knucklebuster since the last trim adjustment was made for climb, but I made it back fine.
This was my first real "situation" while flying, and just figured I'd share.
Shortly after takeoff, the EGT quit on me, but no biggie. Continued on to Gainesville without a hitch, did a touch and go, made a crosswind departure, and headed back towards PDK.
As I reached altitude and started reducing power, I began to adjust the trim accordingly. Well, the trim wheel felt a little tight and then suddenly spun freely and the cable snapped and became all wrapped up on the side of the wheel.
Had to keep some serious back pressure for the whole trip back. Then decided to slow the plane down and let the flaps help out. This helped level things out and required a lot less back pressure to keep the thing from sinking.
The approach/landing was certainly a knucklebuster since the last trim adjustment was made for climb, but I made it back fine.
This was my first real "situation" while flying, and just figured I'd share.