EDM-830 pointers

455 Bravo Uniform

Final Approach
Aug 18, 2015
Display Name

Display name:
455 Bravo Uniform
I love this thing, but haven’t quite gotten the hang of entering fuel added. Yes, it’s easy when I fill up, it asks me if I filled and shows 75 gal as filled tanks, good to go. But I can never remember how to add partial fuel to the EDM, or how to add it after I’ve exited the screen, like if I forgot and am in flight. The instructions aren’t easy to my brain - I guess I just need to make a cheat sheet until the procedure just sinks in. What do you guys do? <OOOPS, I JUST SAW THIS ASKED AND ANSWERED A WEEK AGO, SORRY. QUESTION BELOW STILL VALID>

Also, went on a flight yesterday and returned around dusk. Not dark enough for the display to dim as much as it did, so was having a tough time seeing it. How do you adjust the dimming settings? Again, instructions weren’t clear, and quick web search didn’t help.
I figured out the dimming by messing with it. Went to the hangar this afternoon. By memory:

-Push and hold both buttons simultaneously to get into program mode.

-It might ask “Refuel”? If so, select “no”. Or it says “Program”? Then “yes”. I can’t remember, but it’s intuitive enough.

-Keep clicking “next” until you get to Night Display. Then you can adjust from 60 to -60 in increments of 10.

-Next is Day Display. Same thing.

-Then save.

Thread closed :cool: