Edits of member posts by members of the Management Council

The Pilots of America Management Council will not edit its members’ posts.

If a post is determined by the MC to have violated the Rules of Conduct, the MC will delete the post, and any posts quoting the offending material, with notice to the member making the original post explaining the decision. If the post is one which is part of a thread which is being moved (for example, to the Spin Zone or to the Classifieds), and the violation is solely related to the post having been in the wrong subforum, it will likely survive the thread move.

Thank you very much, Spike. I really appreciate the response.

One point of clarification. I assume that member requested edits are still within bounds as long as the request is for a post owned by that member?
With the exception of thread titles, why couldn't the member just hit the edit key and edit his own post?

The member can certainly edit their own threads (including title). I've known some instances where members have said "take a look at this and fix it if it's not ok". I'm totally fine if that is off limits as well. I was just asking for further clarification.
The member can certainly edit their own threads (including title). I've known some instances where members have said "take a look at this and fix it if it's not ok". I'm totally fine if that is off limits as well. I was just asking for further clarification.
Ok I see what you mean. But as for the title users can only sort of edit their title. If you are the OP on a thread and mung up the title you get one shot and changing it. If someone comes and looks at the thread it will be up there and is unchangeable by the unwashed masses, only an admin can update. What you are editing when you do a title edit after that is the title ONLY for the post you are making, not the entire thread.
Gosh, I imagine that if a posting person sees something they got wrong and could not edit themselves (like mentioned, I think that would be title), we would change it for them, but only upon request.
Gosh, I imagine that if a posting person sees something they got wrong and could not edit themselves (like mentioned, I think that would be title), we would change it for them, but only upon request.
...and we have, but we usually PM them about how to do it themselves next time. The only time this is a problem is when they want to delete a post that was the first in a thread, which requires Moderator or MC powers.
Thank you both for this clarification. I, for one, feel better about this policy.