@edfred and @steingar where you been?

Gaston’s. More tongue in cheek - not sure who really originated it. But he is usually there for some of it.
The first one was in summer 2005. I recall chronicalling that in my editors log in the August edition of Sport Aviation, but most of the details are 13-years fuzzy. I do recall that the first year I counted 50 PoAers in about 35 airplanes.
The first one was in summer 2005. I recall chronicalling that in my editors log in the August edition of Sport Aviation, but most of the details are 13-years fuzzy. I do recall that the first year I counted 50 PoAers in about 35 airplanes.

Planes fully filled the parking area, and planes extended down the far side of the runway a good bit. I did '05 thru '09, was going to go this year but no engine. Hopefully in the air again early November.
What I want to know is where that Tommy TBone guy went. He was a freakin' hoot!
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It goes both ways. Conservatives complain that jokes of XXX are allowed but never notice when they are removed. Liberals complain when jokes about YYY are removed.
Not a mod, on POA but I have moderated forums, and it is a thankless job where both sides ***** and complain... the reality is both sides jokes and points get removed and locked, however neither side notices...

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There used to be a section on POA called the "spin zone" that was largely unmoderated and political discussions were allowed. It was purely opt-in, you had to agree to join. While things got heated down there on occasion there was a lot of good discussion. Frankly I always felt that its presence gave the management/moderators ample grounds to be strict on political topics or innuendo in the aviation section of the site, without the creepy big brother feeling.
1st rule of Spin Zone: You do not talk about Spin Zone.
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