Easier to get into Harvard than it is to become a Delta flight attendant.

One of my dad’s FAs told my mom this when she went with him on a trip a few months ago. I think it’s good that DL management is hyping up their FAs. More power to them.
Nothing against Delta's FAs, but people have been making the Harvard comparison for years, including pilot groups. Virgin America used to say the exact same thing about their pilots at job fairs, and the US Airways FAs said it about themselves back when I was a new hire.

I understand that they want to feel 'elite' by making that comparison, but this is sort of a pet peeve of mine. Very few people apply to Harvard unless they feel they're at least in the ballpark to being admitted, so Harvard is making their selections from a pool of applicants that are already near the top of their peer group academically. Delta FA applicants are coming from a cross section of society where the only criteria is to have a HS diploma. It's not the same thing.
Nothing against Delta's FAs, but people have been making the Harvard comparison for years, including pilot groups. Virgin America used to say the exact same thing about their pilots at job fairs, and the US Airways FAs said it about themselves back when I was a new hire.

I understand that they want to feel 'elite' by making that comparison, but this is sort of a pet peeve of mine. Very few people apply to Harvard unless they feel they're at least in the ballpark to being admitted, so Harvard is making their selections from a pool of applicants that are already near the top of their peer group academically. Delta FA applicants are coming from a cross section of society where the only criteria is to have a HS diploma. It's not the same thing.
It’s also a disingenuous statistic. The applicant pool of Harvard is significantly less than Delta FAs.
I passed on my acceptance to Harvard for a better school in Annapolis. I tried to get into Veterinary School and was told I was too old at 26. I bet Delta is accepting FA's at twice that age.
I dated a girl that graduated from Yale. She would get mad at me. People would ask her where she went to college, and she would say "Yale". I would cup my hands to my mouth and in a loud voice,.... "Where did you go to college..??"

Why she would get mad always baffled me....
Harvard, Smarvard. I'm with Groucho Marx. I refuse to attend any school that would accept me.

What's the price to become a FA?
Harvard reportedly has a price:
Daniel Golden
The Price of Admission: How America's Ruling Class Buys Its Way into Elite Colleges--and Who Gets Left Outside the Gates

ISBN-13: 978-1400097975, ISBN-10:1400097975
I dated a girl that graduated from Yale. She would get mad at me. People would ask her where she went to college, and she would say "Yale". I would cup my hands to my mouth and in a loud voice,.... "Where did you go to college..??"

Why she would get mad always baffled me....

I bet she's in the same group of the people who get mad that you don't say THE Ohio State...
More people get into Harvard than clean up rat **** at nuclear reactors, but that don't make cleaning rat **** an elite job.
I went to Harvard (graduate school) and I doubt Delta would ever hire me as either a FA or pilot. The stat I find more interesting though is that fewer people become fighter pilots in the USAF than join the NFL each year. Of course I read this on ithe nternet so no clue if it's true.
I passed on my acceptance to Harvard for a better school in Annapolis. I tried to get into Veterinary School and was told I was too old at 26. I bet Delta is accepting FA's at twice that age.

It's harder to get into Veterinary School in the US than to get into medical school. Why? Because there are many fewer of them. When my dad was the head of the admissions committee for the Washington State University Veterinary School (many years ago) they would have 700 applicants for 70 openings in the Freshman class. A 4.0 GPA was not enough to guarantee admission. And when the folks in admissions started wanting them to use quotas for different categories Dad told them to stuff it. They wanted 70 incoming Freshmen to be 70 graduating Seniors. Everyone who didn't make it represented someone else who didn't get a chance. He didn't care if they were pink with purple polkadots, he wanted the 70 best qualified to be admitted. The administration backed off.
. He didn't care if they were pink with purple polkadots, he wanted the 70 best qualified to be admitted. The administration backed off.

As it should be in everything. Good for your dad. I mean, why can't my legally blind friend become a quota and fly for an airline....????
I dated a girl that graduated from Yale. She would get mad at me. People would ask her where she went to college, and she would say "Yale". I would cup my hands to my mouth and in a loud voice,.... "Where did you go to college..??"

Why she would get mad always baffled me....

My wife has a long time friend who graduated from Yale undergrad. She's been working as a receptionist at a veterinarian's office, and just moved back in with her parents. She's in her 40s.
My wife has a long time friend who graduated from Yale undergrad. She's been working as a receptionist at a veterinarian's office, and just moved back in with her parents. She's in her 40s.
It might take her a while to pay off those student loans.