Rob Schaffer
Cleared for Takeoff
So, since I didn't get a chance to fly on my day off this week, I managed to get myself out of bed early this morning and to the airport at 5:45am. Plane preflighted and started by a few minutes after 6, and the sun was cresting over the terminal building. Most of the area was 8000+ for clouds, temperature was 14*C, wind Calm. So time to see how close the plane responded to the standard temperature and performance charts from the POH. After all, it is 42 years old and 1600 hrs on the engine...
Runup complete, and I took Runway 24 at Wings Field. Rotated at 60mph, climbed at 80 mph for 550 fpm. Not bad, max climb rate at gross per the POH is 645 fpm (I'm full tanks but only me in the cabin, so not near gross yet) Now, I wasn't climbing at best angle, so we'll check on the next time around. Flew to the PTW VOR, enjoying the sights of the low fog over some fields here and there, and watching the world wake up and take to the roads. Turned eastbound to the PA turnpike at Lansdale, my exit I typically get on in the morning, and then North about half way to Quakertown before doing a standard rate turn 180* to head back towards Wings. Sun was up now, and long shadows were strewn across the landscape. The sun on the Power Plant steam as it rose 3-4000 feet from the ground was great, and although the city of Philadelphia was a little hazy in the distance, it was slowly improving as the temp/DP spread increased.
Back at Wings, entered the pattern and flew the 95mph downwind, 85mph base, 75mph final, crossing the numbers by about 50 feet before a smooth as glass touchdown on centerline with the stall horn blaring to scare the little birds away . Taxied back, and wanted to push the climb rate, so I held on the brakes, full throttle, and down the runway.... rotated at 60, climbed at 70 (66 is best angle speed) and was hitting 650 - 700 fpm till I turned crosswind at 1300 feet. Not bad for the 0-300 D (145 hp)!!
Smooth landing again,... parked the plane, and then joined everyone else in line on the Schulkill expressway to get to work.
Gotta love those early morning flights! The plane is handling great and running so smooth.
Runup complete, and I took Runway 24 at Wings Field. Rotated at 60mph, climbed at 80 mph for 550 fpm. Not bad, max climb rate at gross per the POH is 645 fpm (I'm full tanks but only me in the cabin, so not near gross yet) Now, I wasn't climbing at best angle, so we'll check on the next time around. Flew to the PTW VOR, enjoying the sights of the low fog over some fields here and there, and watching the world wake up and take to the roads. Turned eastbound to the PA turnpike at Lansdale, my exit I typically get on in the morning, and then North about half way to Quakertown before doing a standard rate turn 180* to head back towards Wings. Sun was up now, and long shadows were strewn across the landscape. The sun on the Power Plant steam as it rose 3-4000 feet from the ground was great, and although the city of Philadelphia was a little hazy in the distance, it was slowly improving as the temp/DP spread increased.
Back at Wings, entered the pattern and flew the 95mph downwind, 85mph base, 75mph final, crossing the numbers by about 50 feet before a smooth as glass touchdown on centerline with the stall horn blaring to scare the little birds away . Taxied back, and wanted to push the climb rate, so I held on the brakes, full throttle, and down the runway.... rotated at 60, climbed at 70 (66 is best angle speed) and was hitting 650 - 700 fpm till I turned crosswind at 1300 feet. Not bad for the 0-300 D (145 hp)!!
Smooth landing again,... parked the plane, and then joined everyone else in line on the Schulkill expressway to get to work.
Gotta love those early morning flights! The plane is handling great and running so smooth.