Ear problems

Brian Austin

Feb 14, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
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Brian Austin
Over the last year or so, my eustchean (sp?) canals have been plugging up more and more often. I can pop my ears within seconds of a previous 'pop'. Sometimes the pop is so loud, my wife can hear it squeak across the room!

I've flown regularly during this period, including up to about 10,000MSL. It hurts a little coming down but feels okay with constant popping. A nuisance but not a showstopper in my opinion.

My doctor referred me to an ear/nose/throat doc, who prescribed Allegra-D to see if it was sinus related (no other indications of sinus problems). If this doesn't work, he mentioned putting tubes in. He says it's not terribly uncommon for him to put them in for pilots and flight attendants.

A few questions:

1. The Allegra-D states not to operate heavy machinery until effects are known. I've been taking it for a few days and have yet to feel the normal sedative effects I've felt with other allergy medications. Personally, I think I'm okay to fly. Is there any reason not to?

2. Will tubes or any other 'fixes' affect my medical status?

Allegra (Fexofenadine) is on the FAA "OK" list. The "D" is pseudoephedrine, which is also on the OK list.

It's actually more of an issue to not get the tubes and fixes, 'cause if an AME looks in your ears and finds scarred in eardrums, you'll get the good going over for blocked sinuses, etc, which are disqualifying.

I was asked to take care of a brand new Regional Copilot who had eardrum issues, didn't feel she could miss a day of work, but when the pus came out of the eardrum she had to be grounded.

Get that stuff take care of. :-)
bbchien said:
Allegra (Fexofenadine) is on the FAA "OK" list. The "D" is pseudoephedrine, which is also on the OK list.

It's actually more of an issue to not get the tubes and fixes, 'cause if an AME looks in your ears and finds scarred in eardrums, you'll get the good going over for blocked sinuses, etc, which are disqualifying.

I was asked to take care of a brand new Regional Copilot who had eardrum issues, didn't feel she could miss a day of work, but when the pus came out of the eardrum she had to be grounded.

Get that stuff take care of. :-)
Both docs said my ears look great inside. The pressure test came back "a little more negative than normal" when I saw the ear doctor, though.

Thanks, Dr. B!
Brian Austin said:
My doctor referred me to an ear/nose/throat doc, who prescribed Allegra-D to see if it was sinus related (no other indications of sinus problems).

Just for the record, Allegra-D will tell you if the problem is allergy related. Sinus problems can be caused by many other things.

Don't ask how I know..... :(

Bruce - Do you know anything about diving medicine? This thread made me think of my wife who gets TERRIBLE reverse squeezes when she ascends from diving. She has some problems descending, but does ok if she goes slow. Ascending causes great pain, and nose bleeds more often than not.

We talk of seeing a diving md, but they are few and far between in MN.

Sorry for the thread detour.

Yes, I'm a diver, too. Not a lot of dives but some basic certifications. Palau. Bloody Bay Wall, and a few others.

She needs to see an Otolaryngologist. You don't want her sinuses venting out her eyeballs. That could be very, very bad. Sigh.
Yes, her symptoms are bad enough that even she figured that. It just seems odd when its the pressure trying to get out, not in, one (or at least, I) would assume it would be easier.

Do you know of anyone in MN?


PS - Diving is almost as cool as flying!
The flaps of mucosal tissue that line the sinuses frequently "flap valve" across the openings into the nasopharynx, making them effectively one way when the gas is really under pressure....

I don't know any in MN. But there are a few great ones in Iowa City...
Ouch! That sounds bad. (And I guess it is, as I have seen her diving mask after surfacing. It is fun to see the new DM's expression though when they don't know what's happening! LOL)

If you could PM me (or post it here) the folks in Iowa City, that would be great! We know no one here, except the local HMO, and I can only imagine their looks when this topic is raised. I hesitate to ask what the "cure" is...

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