Marc, I don't know any thing about them. Ip will tell you that there are two reputable clubs at Lakewood NJ. One is called the Jersey Aero Club, I forget the other but I think they both offer instruction.
This is the other club.
I was a member, some years ago, when they were based at Marlboro (which is gone now). They've been around a long time. A good club with a good fleet (flew 93KK quite a bit, and she was a sweetheart). They are organized and serious but keep it fun. I already had my PPASEL when I joined, but quickly realized I'd have been smart to learn to fly with a club. It might take a little longer, but not necessarily... and it will definitely be cheaper. This club in particular is probably still the best deal in the area, as clubs go.
I see their rates are based on Hobbs time,not tach time, nowadays, but the rates are low, and they include fuel. The money you lay out to join buys you a share of the fleet, and the dues pay for everything other than operating and maintaining the aircraft. When I was a member, they would trade the engines in at TBO time, and replace them with "zero timed" units. This usually results in a quicker turnaround time than having the plane sit there while the engine is overhauled.
In general, I never had any problems with aircraft maintenance, including down time for repairs, annuals, etc... not at all like the school I did my training with, which charged me a lot more, and often let me come out to the airport to fly a plane I'd reserved, only to find out "oh yeah, sorry we didn't call, it's in the shop."
They also have insurance for members, included in the membership.
All you have to do is contact them (or any club), ask if you can attend a meeting, talk to one of the member-instructors, look at the airplanes, etc. I highly recommend you do this before you commit to a commercial school.