I am currently a Navy flight student, but have recently been disqualified from naval aviation due to blood clots in my Vena Cava and Illiac Veins. After a year on Xarelto, I had stents placed in my Vena Cava and Illiac Veins. 3 months later, the stents occluded, and I had thrombolysis to remove the occlusion and additional stents placed to fix the problem. I am now stable, but will probably be on Xarelto for at least a year, maybe much longer. I currently have a third class medical that I have not flown on since the first blood clot. My goal is to become an airline pilot after the Navy discharges me. What are my chances of getting a first or second class medical? I have over 100 pages of medical records pertaining to this. Do I just send in all records I have related to this? How hard will re-issuances be in the future?