I'm currently working on getting my private pilot's license and would like advise on any dvd programs I could buy that may be helpful as a suppliment.
Another rental resource is Avnac.com. I haven't used them, so I can't speak to quality of service. Their content is all aviation; but, they don't seem to have as broad a selection of pilot training DVDs as SmartFlix.
BTW some example of Sproty's and King Videos
First Sportys
And now King
Wow, the King courses are cheesy and boring. I would like to see a real sample of the Sporty's videos....I might actually do that for my IFR.
BTW, sidetrack, but I find it super irritating that I have to take my IR written again. I already passed it once. lol.
I used the King DVDs for both my private and IFR. What they are good at -- teaching you the answers on the test so you get a high score. What they are quite poor at -- getting you to understand _why_ the answers are what they are.
Every time I heard the phrase "the FAA doesn't require you to know" during these lessons I wanted to scream. Just because the FAA didn't put a question on the test doesn't mean that it isn't useful to know something!!
It amazes me that I have gone through this King IFR course, scored 97% on the test, and still have some pretty basic questions on the mechanics of IFR flight for my instructor at each and every lesson. I would be much happier with these courses if they attempted to teach me what I need to know to be a good IFR pilot _and_ pass the test, not simply to pass the test...