DUI 26 years ago


Joe Dirt

Peculiar situation. DUI 1996. Pled guilty, paid a fine and attended a driving course. Court record does NOT list a BAC. There is no other paper work. I asked the courthouse for everything they had. About to retire from the military and have been flying for past 20 years but need a medical class II to apply for the job I want. Going to obviously list the event on my medical form but what kind of hoops am I looking at having to jump through? Will 20+ years of honorable service and flight time assist me in obtaining my medical class II?
All of which means you need at least a certified drug and alcohol counselor’s evaluation but oddly it has to have DSM 4 components (lifelong histories) for the components of:
Continued use in the face of adverse consequences
Lifestyle centered on the use of
….as FAA uses DSM4, not DSM5.

personal statement
Whatever paperwork you CAN provide
Lifelong DL History (and if you state doesn’t produce a lifetime record, then I recommend a criminal background check)

AME defers you, and FAA decides…..
C! C! I think it's C!

I presume even with an “issue”, the FAA can audit and THEN require what ever it is that they want.

I know a guy… who got issued, flew about 2 years, THEN went to rehab to keep his medical. Yep, single event, years ago, full on inpatient rehab, stone cold sober….

It was a first class, and a professional pilot which does somewhat change things up, but a pretty apropos analogy.
Get a copy of the records (accident and conviction history transcript) from the state DMV where you were convicted.
maybe ... the faa may look into that.

Interesting point. How often are edge cases like these reviewed? How frequently does a senior AME get "second guessed" by CAMI? This might be a question for a different thread but I've assumed (again, likely wrongly) that there wasn't much leeway given to even senior AMEs. Is this not the case? Do AME's have a the authority to issue in-office for pretty much anything, given the AME is satisfied with what the airman provides and the AME's opinion during the exam?

CAMI seems like a black hole. Would be nice if there were more visibility. Would be a fascinating study but likely impossible to even get HIPAA-safe data.
Do AME's have a the authority to issue in-office for pretty much anything, given the AME is satisfied with what the airman provides and the AME's opinion during the exam?

yes if the guidelines allow. In this case, if I issued and the FAA wanted, I do not think I would be overturned. they would send a ltr to the airman requesting further data.
I suspect that if an AME got overturned frequently, word would get around the pilot community and people with borderline cases wouldn't use him.
In the case I mentioned, there was never a “it was done wrong” the first time.

And yes, what they decide to look at more closely seems kinda random. At least from our perspective, there is likely an understandable method, just difficult to figure from our nose bleed seats.
I suspect that if an AME got overturned frequently, word would get around the pilot community and people with borderline cases wouldn't use him.
You'd also suspect that an AME who deferred cases unnecessarily would get a reputation, and the same would happen. AMEs have a lot of discretion in "borderline" cases, and they decide how what you say to them gets translated into what they write for the reviewers at FAA. Don't lie to them and don't expect them to lie for you, but if they've been around the block, they know how to relate the relevant facts so you're likely to keep your certificate, and they know how to write it to cover their own ass.

That consultation we always recommend is as much for the airman to evaluate the AME as vice versa. Overly pessimistic and pollyanna candidates should be eliminated by anyone on the fence.
The only condition in which the AME can issue and it can be sustained is a single DUI know BAC <0.15%……

….this one is a CADC Evaluation and a call to a medical officer for concurrence….
I fell into box C since I had an old (11 years) DUI plead down to a wet reckless that the court could not find any docs listing BAC for. AME said he could not issue without proof BAC was below .15 so we submitted to the FAA and he told me to send them docs when they asked for them.

In hindsight, now having been waiting on the FAA since august 3rd, wish the AME would have told me to come back once I had the docs so he could issue on the spot. Will advise anyone in a similar situation the same.
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