Drunk taxi plane?

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Rampersad Haribhai

Ejection Handle Pulled
Sep 8, 2014
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I have a question. Is it allowable to taxi a plane on the ground only when drunk?

I have this argument with friend.
It depends on what "No person may act or attempt to act as a crewmember of a civil aircraft" means. You don't have to be a certified anything to taxi a plane.

But, you can be like this guy.

my mistake, according to post #137 in your other thread, you do have a friend.

Yes this is accurate guess. A compatriot has taken me to a bar in dallas and I spend many hours with some fine pink pillows on my couch but then a big man has demanded a lot money from me. I have been abducted to a holding place in irving where my friend pays money for me to go and I am being tell I am alien. Now my money is gone until another month and I seek help. this is terrible place and now cold.
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Hey Bryan,

When you try and troll, you need to open up multiple browsers so you and Ramp show online at the same time.
It is legal if you don't have a pilot or mechanics certificate.
Someone will give him a reasonable answer. Just wait.
Is an airplane a motor vehicle subject to rules and regulations from a certifying agency? And does the aircraft need to be registered to be operated?

These questions came from my non-pilot lawyer buddy.

I don't understand him most of the time either.

I didn't ask if it is ok to taxi a glider while drunk for obvious reasons....
Please do not accost me I am a visitor and I learn. This is very rude and ignorant actings towards me. I always get bad treating here!

If you know then say else keep mouth closed!!!!!

Hey Bryan,

When you try and troll, you need to open up multiple browsers so you and Ramp show online at the same time.

After last night's fiasco, I am 100% confident that Jesse can confirm that I am not Ramp.
After last night's fiasco, I am 100% confident that Jesse can confirm that I am not Ramp.

Hey, I never said *which* Bryan, but seeing how quick you jumped to say no, I think that's all the confirmation we need.
Hey, I never said *which* Bryan, but seeing how quick you jumped to say no, I think that's all the confirmation we need.

Sorry it is a kneejerk reaction after a mass of accusations, one of which may have been true and prompted a mod (allegedly) to hack my profile last night.

I am not posting as Ramp and I have not posted under other names but mine and unregistered and that failed immediately..
Is taxing planes same laws as driving cars?
It is in Maryland. When a guy landed on the road next to Lee Airport in Annapolis, the cop who responded suspected intoxication, gave him a field sobriety test, and arrested him for driving while intoxicated (as well as operating an unlicensed motor vehicle and a few other charges). Note that in most states, DUI laws are not limited to public streets or legal motor vehicles, so they could bag you for this in a plane on the ramp at the local airport.

And yes, the FAA got their bite of him, too.
Please concentrate!

Is a plane a vehicle? My friend says a bicycle and plane are vehicles and subject to vehicle law.
This is murica if it moves there are laws to oppress you for using it.
Bryan I like you funny man! I will fly with you but in a plane not on my couch.

Your plane.
Didn't patty wagstaff get busted for driving drunk on the ramp a few years ago? Wasn't an aircraft though..

My thought : if you have to ask, you can't afford the lawyers to figure it out...

Dont drink and drive/taxi. Please.

Mods.... Why and how is rampy posting with his little green online thingie NOT glowing ??

Mods.... Why and how is rampy posting with his little green online thingie NOT glowing ??

Technically it would be possible for him to click "submit" on a post and then immediately log off of the board. Then when you and I see his post, the green online thingie will be grey.

C'mon, if there was ever a reason for your existence, this is it.

Troll, or no troll, the admins would have been far more justified to take action on:

Do you have a brown couch yet?


Did you bring your sister?


Have you found any women yet?


Have you been to Liberia or have a fever?


Have you ever seen a grown man naked?


You should come down to Houston, and spend a week following me around. Watch me work 60 hours weeks and try very hard to carve out an hour or two of daylight to fly.

You might re-think your opinion that my thieving ancestors gave me everything I have on a silver platter.

It won't be a very productive flying week for you, but probably fairly educational in other ways.

And many...many more especially those who told him to close his "curry hole".

But then someone accurately assessed the situation:

Come on guys, he may be whatever you think he is, but this lowers your class.

None of the above, besides Ryan, get a nomination for the PoA peace prize.

Sure, he may be a troll but that doesn't excuse the scale of retaliation that's been displayed.
Troll, or no troll, the admins would have been far more justified to take action on:

Sure, he may be a troll but that doesn't excuse the scale of retaliation that's been displayed.


What the hell are you smokin???:confused:........:nono:
What business is it of yours? :)

What I smoke at home...stays at home!

A police officer told me once that if you are drunk and ride your horse home, you can get a dui because you are driving the horse. BUT if you pass out on the horse and it wanders home, you're ok because the horse is driving.
Ramp it is time for your to prove that you are real if you want to be taken seriously.
Sure, he may be a troll but that doesn't excuse the scale of retaliation that's been displayed.

If he's a troll, then he's having fun, and we're entitled to have fun too.

The fact that he doesn't appear to be online points to someone posting as him, then quickly logging off and logging back in to their "regular" account.
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