+1Really, is this scenario that far of a stretch of the imagination:
Mary Beth git yer bikini on an' git out in the yard like yer Pa told ya
We're gonna lure that sucker over here and blow it ta kingdom come!
+1Really, is this scenario that far of a stretch of the imagination:
Mary Beth git yer bikini on an' git out in the yard like yer Pa told ya
We're gonna lure that sucker over here and blow it ta kingdom come!
Let's see if we can make some sense out of this:
Good 'ol boy on porch with shotgun and half naked teenage daughter in yard
Naive geek with more money than he knows what to do good with
$2000 21st century drone
Was this a setup or just a bad mix of circumstances?
True, but birdshot coming back down ain't doing much.
Exactly, heck, salt would likely do the job, or a beanbag round.
How about just take the damn things out to the R/C flying field like we used too? Hell there's certainly enough interest in them they could have some hella cool fields to play with them at.
Keep them the hell out of folks backyards.