Done bought a biplane

So I made it to Red Oak Iowa before she just wouldn't start any more. The whole airport gang was out willing to help and everyone took turns trying to prop it. Nothing, so I got a ride back to KC and left the plane. Personally after talking it over on another form, I think it was just a combination of higher ambient temperature, a hot engine and mildly fouled plugs all working against me. I'm fairly sure it would start right up this morning, but the wind has picked up and appears to be setting in for a few days.

Earlier this year my FlyBaby said "no more". David tried to prop it a few hundred times then we finally just pushed it across the airport and put it away. Has ran fine ever since.
Earlier this year my FlyBaby said "no more". David tried to prop it a few hundred times then we finally just pushed it across the airport and put it away. Has ran fine ever since.

I'm hopeful this is the same. All in all, I wouldn't have likely made it home last night anyway, with the huge complex of storms. That said, after getting back to Kansas City, now being 200 miles away, the weather is going to make it difficult to get it home. I'm not willing to use pavement for landings yet and couple that with the limited range offered by a 12 gallon tank and a 75 knot airplane and I don't have many options with the forecast 20+ knots straight out of the south at 3000 feet for the rest of the week.

Thankfully the guys up at Red Oak were very willing to try to help out to get it started. Everyone lined up to take a turn but nobody got it going. So it sits there in a hangar for now.
'm not willing to use pavement for landings yet and couple that with the limited range offered by a 12 gallon tank and a 75 knot airplane and I don't have many options with the forecast 20+ knots straight out of the south at 3000 feet for the rest of the week.

Yeah. That's rough. I've got about a 80 knot airplane and 16 gallons of fuel which often just isn't enough either with an A75. I do have an aux tank I could use but I generally don't (because of weight, plus fuel loosely strapped behind me makes me nervous).
Yeah. That's rough. I've got about a 80 knot airplane and 16 gallons of fuel which often just isn't enough either with an A75. I do have an aux tank I could use but I generally don't (because of weight, plus fuel loosely strapped behind me makes me nervous).

It wouldn't be so bad if I'd venture onto paved surfaces, but with that kind of wind, there's no way I'd even think about it. Basically my options are limited to stopping at Farington Field or Pawnee City. Neither of which really get me close enough to Vinland Valley to make me 100% confident in the range with a stiff headwind.
It wouldn't be so bad if I'd venture onto paved surfaces, but with that kind of wind, there's no way I'd even think about it. Basically my options are limited to stopping at Farington Field or Pawnee City. Neither of which really get me close enough to Vinland Valley to make me 100% confident in the range with a stiff headwind.

Not that it makes much difference now, but check with some of the locals around where you will flying, there are quite a few airports around my area where the grass next to the paved runway is used more than the paved!
Not that it makes much difference now, but check with some of the locals around where you will flying, there are quite a few airports around my area where the grass next to the paved runway is used more than the paved!

Yup. That saved me once already after landing at a field that didn't have fuel. Locals knew of a place not much further up the route that I could land next to the runway. I got there and ended up following a Twin Otter landing in that same grass.
Yup. That saved me once already after landing at a field that didn't have fuel. Locals knew of a place not much further up the route that I could land next to the runway. I got there and ended up following a Twin Otter landing in that same grass.

One last side note, if you do that with a passenger, especially if its a signifigant other, give them a warning first, my wife didn't appreciate it and thought i was missing the runway! lol
Earlier this year my FlyBaby said "no more". David tried to prop it a few hundred times then we finally just pushed it across the airport and put it away. Has ran fine ever since.

Same thing happened for me. The weather and schedules finally came together to let me go try to get the plane yesterday. Started up right away.

Happiness is having your plane safely home in its new nest...:yes::yes::)...

That is a feeling that is hard to duplicate..;)

Yup, it was fun to go out to the hangar today, with nothing really in mind other than to clean it up a bit.