Dog hearing protection? Or, how to get a dog to like flying again?

Which earmuffs for dogs do you like better?

  • Mutt Muffs

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • 4 Paws Aviation

    Votes: 1 50.0%

  • Total voters


Filing Flight Plan
Jun 29, 2017
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Good day fellow aviators,

My husband and I own a Cessna 140. It can get to be a rather noisy little thing, so we have good headsets. We took our dog along with us when she was just a puppy and she seemed fine with it, liked it as much as she likes car rides (which is a hell of a lot) but then our engine needed a new cylinder and it took us awhile to be able to save up and afford it (we're youngsters) and by the time our bird was airworthy again our dog was an adult. We recently tried taking her along on a picnic trip, but ended up having to turn around because she was panicking so much. So I suggested perhaps we should start off with short little trips with her, and work our way back up, but hubby thinks it's the noise that scared her (since as I said our plane can be pretty loud) so he wants to get her a pair of earmuffs.

So I've been doing some research and there's 2 brands that seem to come up: Mutt Muffs, and 4 Paws Aviation. I know the 4 Paws ones are a touch more expensive, but I haven't been able to find anybody comparing the two to each other? So anybody that has experience with these or any other kind of hearing protection for dogs, your input would be welcome. Also, any input or advice on how to maybe get her to enjoy flying in the airplane as much as she enjoys riding in the car would be greatly appreciated as well lol.

Thanks in advance!

(Oh and if this is the wrong place to post this topic, please let me know. I'm new to this forum ☺️)
Wow, that's really helpful! Thanks a bunch. Do you have any other suggestions as to what we can do to help our dog be more comfortable with flying?
Teach him/her to pee before getting in the plane. Tie him/her short of the front seats, at least in the beginning. A scared dog jumping forward might not work out well. My dog is a happy flyer so it's been really easy for me.
The objective data for dB reduction much favors 4Paws - referenced on their website I believe.
Having seen both and used 4Paws, the quality of 4Paws speaks for itself - more substantial ear cups, much better seal.
Holding both in my hands? I don't get how anyone thinks 4 paws are better. Equals? I could buy that. Superior? No. The Mutt Muff chin strap and adjuster straps are more user friendly, and that includes master and pooch.
How do straps attenuate noise?
Admittedly 4Paws are a bit fiddly in adjustment, but once adjusted/fitted to my dogs they stay on, stay occlusive, and are well tolerated
The ear cups are very similar between the two. If all else is equal and one is easier to use? That's an advantage. The reason I bought 4 Paws was from reading the strong favorable opinions about them on this site. After receiving them I'm disappointed.
When I was in college my roommate and instructor had a 150. We flew with his miniature collie all the time. Her hearing was always fine. May not have been as spectacular as dog's can be but sure never indicated a loss in our hearing range....