Nosehair, I think dmspilot is trying to get you towards correcting what you said.
Your statement:
... Not true. Stall speeds for a steady-state, vertically unaccelerated descent are the same as they are for level flight. For the stall speed to not change, load factor has to not change, and a load factor of 1 in a 60-degree bank is going to result in only half the lift necessary to keep the plane level or in a steady-state descent.
If you don't believe me, go flying, climb high, trim out to your desired speed (preferably well below Va to aid in recovery from the maneuver!), and bank over to 60 degrees, keeping the plane coordinated, without pulling back. You'll find that you accelerate downwards and you'll quickly be unable to maintain a load factor of 1, thus your stall speed will increase in the bank.