I truly wish that I had a recording device back +20 years ago when I was asked to come in for a discussion about my son. It was surreal. Went something like this:
"Now, Mr xxxxx, thanks for coming in. We would like to talk with you about something we see here once in a while, and there is nothing you've done wrong, and nothing your son has done wrong, but we are concerned about his behaviors, and his future. (talking to me like I'm a babbling idiot) Tom(not real name) seems to have trouble relating to the teachers and focusing his attention to complete assignments...."
It went on like that with smiles, and gentle voices, and they started talking about a special program, and a dr they could recommend, and if I wanted to have him tested they would be more than happy to assist, etc, ad infinitum. I must have had that jaw-drop look on my face when they shut up because we just sat there for about a minute and I was waiting for some kind of "SURPRISE! Haha, we gotcha on camera!" or something. I was - gobsmacked. So, I gathered myself, and after a bit I asked "now, what do you think is wrong?" and I got the stock answer "Well he has an attention deficit, and he is hyperactive". Then I got mad.
I got boiling mad, and asked the counselor who was in the room if she was a MD, or if the principle was an MD. They said no and I told them in no uncertain terms, that no one - will EVER use clinical terms about my kids again, and I demanded to see their records of my son right now. Of course, they refused, and I said, fine - prepare for a subpoena tomorrow, cause I"m leaving here and going to a lawyer as fast as I can drive. I will KNOW one way or another if you have diagnosed my son with some kind of mental deficiency, and written it down in his school record.
That is just what I did too. I went and found a lawyer who was familiar with this ADHD and schools and he called them that afternoon. The records were waiting for me when I got back there, and I once again reiterated that no one was permitted to discuss, advise, or diagnose any kind of medical or mental problem with respect to my son again.
That's when I started looking into the background of this 'diagnosis'. What I discovered was chilling. Before about 1983, the number of cases of ADD with hyperactivity(ADHD didn't even exist medically until 87) were vanishingly small. Since they, in the western civ countries, and particularly the US, it has exploded. Talk about your hockey stick curve, oh my. Funny, it doesn't seem to be present in Mexico, or S America, or other countries, but it's such a big, big problem in developed countries particularly the US? Hmmmmm. And once the financials got going for the school system, mostly inner city schools to start, about 83 Ritalin came out, and Katy bar the door. Now they had something they could push, and push they did.
the worst part is that parents bought in wholesale. Now little Jimmy or Janey could be well controlled with drugs. They don't need to go outside and play, they don't need time to daydream, or have unstructured play time away from parents, what they need is more structure. Yup, that'll do it. Give them a rigid plan of drugs to take, and just get them calmed right down to the point they can focus and function like parents and educators want them too. I'm sure it's some kind of pandemic that the whole country is going through, along with Europe in some cases. That must be it, cultural advancement has led to children's attention and hyperactivity problems. Sure...