Do you wear anything special when flying?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Oct 1, 2015
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I knew a retired USAF pilot at the airline who flew w/ his AF flight boots at the airline. Many wore cewboy boots. Do you use gloves? Silk scarfs (besides Bryan), long vs short pants, parachute on your back, stuff like that? Knee pads (for preflight c'mon), whoopee cushions?

Me, shorts and T shirt, sneakers, jeans in winter.

Sometimes this, without the shirt:

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I recently traded my under-roos for depends but that is another topic. ;);););););) <----it's a joke, I say a joke son

I mostly wear long pants in the belief that if the oil pressure line starts leaking I'd like to have a little protection. The belief may be mistaken. On really hot days I'll wear shorts. One thing I really avoid is wearing synthetics. Cotton all the way.

And yes, I have been in a flash fire with a "wear blend" cotton-synthetic shirt. Parts of the shirt melted but the cotton seemed to save the day as far as preventing molten shirt from sticking to my skin.
I will refrain from making this a joke thread.

On a serious note, I like to wear a good pair of sneakers or hiking shoes. A pair of Nike’s or Merrill’s will do the job.
Traditionally, cotton t-shirt w/ breast pocket for glasses, pens, etc. Recently started using a fishing shirt b/c it has two pockets, and is cooler. May re-think that after point above about synthetics.
If I am flying an airplane with a four-point harness, then I wear a shirt with a collar so that the harness doesn’t rub my neck. Otherwise, whatever keeps me coolest—shorts and short-sleeve shirts mostly.
I wear what the weather dictates..summer I'll be in shorts, winter I'll be in pants. But no matter the time of year I ALWAYS wear chapstick.
I used to always wear a ball cap to keep the sun out of my eyes. The headsets I have now don't work at all with a ball cap though, so now I don't wear one.
The only consistent thing is the headset and a ball cap.

on occasion I've worn jeans and tee for the flight and immediately switched to a business suit at the FBO. But comfort is key in the cockpit and I don't have any good luck charms.

But I do have my custom made color matched shoes. They are only for fly ins.
Survival vest. Always. That way I am used to the way the full pockets feel with my arms. I have vests for passengers as well with the warning “ you don’t have to wear it but if you need something out of it you ain’t getting mine! “

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Whatever's going to be comfortable for the trip. Worst thing you can do is wear something that you'll be hot and sweaty in or too cold in. That'll lead to mental fatigue and you won't be sharp when you need it.
the only thing I've specifically worn, or in this case NOT worn is my winter boots. I don't have a good feel on the rudders/brakes with them so I typically don't wear them flying, although I'd like to.
the only thing I've specifically worn, or in this case NOT worn is my winter boots. I don't have a good feel on the rudders/brakes with them so I typically don't wear them flying, although I'd like to.
You don't have winter where you live. Why do you even know what winter boots are? Oh, wait, I get it. Anything other than flip-flops or sandals are winter boots...
Survival vest. Always. That way I am used to the way the full pockets feel with my arms. I have vests for passengers as well with the warning “ you don’t have to wear it but if you need something out of it you ain’t getting mine! “

I have a vest I wear for summer flying in Alaska. It is a copy of a WWII vest. I keep immediate need survival gear in it. PLB, and things to stop bleeding, etc:,..

The vest and a 24 year old Tilley hat makes me look like a flying Indiana Jones. The tourist really dig it. I can expect lots of pictures. Before I got married it also got lots of invites from women looking for the real Alaska experience.....

People will ask me if they should take a jacket. I say Yes, because if we land somewhere besides an airport, you ain't getting mine.!!!
A hat to keep the sun out of my eyes.....(which is a joke flying in SE Alaska)...:)

I fly over a lot of water so one of these..

I have a vest I wear for summer flying in Alaska. It is a copy of a WWII vest. I keep immediate need survival gear in it. PLB, and things to stop bleeding, etc:,..

The vest and a 24 year old Tilley hat makes me look like a flying Indiana Jones. The tourist really dig it. I can expect lots of pictures. Before I got married it also got lots of invites from women looking for the real Alaska experience.....

People will ask me if they should take a jacket. I say Yes, because if we land somewhere besides an airport, you ain't getting mine.!!!

Aren’t you forgetting gun and holster?

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You don't have winter where you live. Why do you even know what winter boots are? Oh, wait, I get it. Anything other than flip-flops or sandals are winter boots...

how do u know I'm not one of those guys that wears my sht-kicking winter boots in the middle of summer with a pair of camo cargo shorts, huh? HUH?
It’s all very dependent upon the season and the terrain. I do have a survival vest that has various survival items but I don’t wear it all that often due to the conditions of my typical flight not making it that necessary.
how do u know I'm not one of those guys that wears my sht-kicking winter boots in the middle of summer with a pair of camo cargo shorts, huh? HUH?
I don't.
I generally try to make sure I'm wearing cotton. In the winter, my coat is woal.
Ordinary clothes, i.e. jeans and flannel if it's cold, shorts and t-shirt if it's warm. Sometimes cotton overalls over the shorts and tee if it's cold upstairs. Leather jacket and silk scarf when appropriate (as functional in an open cockpit today as it was 100 years ago). Leather flying helmet.
I wear hunting boots 99% of the time for comfort/simplicity. I however hate the feel of flying with them so I keep a pair of house shoes in the plane and swap out when flying. Other than that, whatever else I happen to be normally wearing that day.
Depends on the weather, the aircraft, and the mission. I always wear a ball cap with a brim. Always.
This time of year, in the J3, I wear cargo pants or jeans, long sleeve undershirt, long sleeve flannel shirt, and a thermal vest with lots of pockets for my "stuff". I have to be very careful about shoes. My normal sneakers or boots won't fit in the plane. My feet are too wide, and get jammed between the seat and the side of the aircraft and I can't use the rudder pedals. This is becoming an issue as the weather gets colder. No cabin heat, and my feet get cold. Looking for a fix.
I have a tendency to dress suitably in case I end up having to walk home. It's happened a number of times over the years.