Pattern Altitude
From the instructor thread, and a recent trip OUT of CA, I've forgotten how many people still smoke. My question is how many of the fellow POAers smoke?
fgcason said:I have actually unloaded a fire extinguisher in someone's face before
Pretty much the same story here... I didn't realize what a foul habit that was until I finally quit.ejensen said:Did for twenty-five years. Clean for 12. Didn't know how bad I stunk until I quit.
woodstock said:ashtrays in Cessnas? really?
wsuffa said:A lot of the planes built in the '70s had ash trays. My Commander has one... and the Cessnas I trained in had one.
All Robinson helicopters come with the following placard as described in the limitations section of the POH:wsuffa said:A lot of the planes built in the '70s had ash trays. My Commander has one... and the Cessnas I trained in had one.
flyingcheesehead said:Do tell the rest of the story!
AirBaker said:The bigger reason as to this thread, not to take a jab at smokers, was due to an observation in line at Denny's. We were waiting for a table, where the line was out through the smoking section. There was a family in the smoking section sitting down at breakfast, were everyone (teenage boy through grandparents) had their own ashtray.
What a neat airplane that was! And yeah -- God help me I remember those 5 packs -- we also got them in RVN with C-rats...Lance F said:Above not entirely true. My first and about only cigarette was in the lav of a TWA Connie (most beautiful commercial airliner ever IMHO), I think flying from Midway to LAX. Some of my fellow baby boomers will remember that a little pack of 5 cigs was on the meal trays. Hard to believe now.
woodstock said:ashtrays in Cessnas? really?
woodstock said:ashtrays in Cessnas? really?
Lance F said:My first and about only cigarette was in the lav of a TWA Connie (most beautiful commercial airliner ever IMHO), I think flying from Midway to LAX. Some of my fellow baby boomers will remember that a little pack of 5 cigs was on the meal trays. Hard to believe now.
SkyHog said:Yep, smoke, have since I was 14, and probably will until I'm smart enough to quit.
My feeling: When smoking was pretty much open, if someone nicely asked me to put out my cigarette, I did, no questions asked. Now that my smoking is limited to the 4x4 square foot section outside any building, when someone asks me to put out my cigarette, I usually tell them to stuff it. It's their fault I have to smoke in that little area, and they can deal with me smoking in it.
At least in restaurants, we were limited to an area where non-smokers didn't have to inhabit. Now we smoke by the door. Its your fault, deal with it.
woodstock said:ashtrays in Cessnas? really?
SCCutler said:Nope. Firefighters tell me that most deaths in fires result from smoke inhalation. Why would I do that on purpose?
No, I don't smoke.
bstratt said:As you can tell from the avatar, I'm an occasional cigar smoker. I enjoy the smell of the smoke from a good cigar as well as a lot of pipe tobacco (did the pipe scene while in university). Tried cigarettes once - no can do. Similarly tried chewing tobacco ONCE My face was this color! Quite often have a cigar out doors while BBQing. Never smoke in the house and can go weeks without one.
bstratt said:As you can tell from the avatar, I'm an occasional cigar smoker. I enjoy the smell of the smoke from a good cigar as well as a lot of pipe tobacco (did the pipe scene while in university). Tried cigarettes once - no can do. Similarly tried chewing tobacco ONCE My face was this color! Quite often have a cigar out doors while BBQing. Never smoke in the house and can go weeks without one.
SkyHog said:Yep, smoke, have since I was 14, and probably will until I'm smart enough to quit.