Do you remember what happened when you turned thirteen?

Spring/Summer: cutting hay, baling hay, stacking hay, branding calves, raising 4-H steers and horses, fixing fence, fixing windmills, helping neighbors harvest wheat, driving combine, driving semi into town to unload wheat, cutting wheat straw, baling wheat straw, stacking wheat straw, team roping steers, riding bareback broncs, showing 4-H steers and horses, gardening, riding dirt bikes, wrecking dirt bikes, building dams, running dozers, scrapers, packers, praying for rain to fill dams.

Fall/Winter: fixing all the s**t we broke during the summer, re-building equipment, welding, grinding, painting, grinding hay/corn for feedlot steers, feeding cattle, dozing snow, snowmobiling, coyote hunting, calving, cutting firewood, canning food, etc.

Yea... I had a boring life as a kid. ;)
I was either driving a tractor or attached to the wrong end of a shovel in an Arkansas rice field.
flying control line model airplanes with .049 engines, and riding a minibike with a Briggs and Stratton lawn mower engine.

I think I might have tried adapting the .049 engine on the minibike at one point. Then again, the Briggs on the control line model didn't work out so well either.
I went to a lot of Bar/Bat Mitzvah's

Yeah me too. My parents were friggin' broke because I was hitting them up for money for presents every damned weekend. But it was a fun time - lavish parties, excuses to flirt and dance with girls all the time - 13 was awesome.
Idk how you people remember that.. I turned 13 8 years ago and I can't remember. Might be the concussions...
Well, there are a couple of replies from people older than me, but for me that was over 50 years ago. Darned if I can remember. As I recall the Gemini program was in full swing.
Control line airplanes. .049 but also a Ringmaster Imperial with a .36 Fox engine. Couldn't afford the R/C stuff. :-(

Worked on a go-kart with my dad, but never got it entirely finished.

No modems. No PCs. TRS-80 came out right after I graduated HS. But I did play with some kit electronics and tube radios and such.
I went to a lot of Bar/Bat Mitzvah's
Seemed like every weekend we were driving to Syracuse or Rochester. We lived in Buffalo and most of Mom's family was in one of the 3 cities. Of course when I turned 13' we were living in Phoenix but no one bothered to come down for mine.
13... Hmm, it was my last year in Cotillion where I found my first actual girlfriend. I think I got to second with her. Some wild preteen parties. Especially a Mardi Gras one with some bead trading going on! ;)

First year of my multi year science fair project that escalated me to the International Science Fair in 11th.

I think I learned to SCUBA dive that summer during our annual family trip to the SXM condo.

Oh it was also the last year before I got corrupted by my current on/off significant corrupter. Any of y'all that have actually met me will know who I'm talking about. :biggrin:
Age 13...

My older brother and sister went to this place called Woodstock and came back with tales of lure.. guess that was their Band Camp.. Four weeks later we have knock at the door that involved my other brother and this place called Viet Nam.... my mother was never the same.
Worked cattle, built fence, played baseball, got my first summer job as a commercial roofer, which was probably illegal.
Lawns, lots of lawns. God I mowed a lot of grass back then. Probably why I am perfectly happy in a zero property townhouse today.