Filing Flight Plan
I 'practice' go-arounds all the time... Invariably I screw up a landing and have push the power in....
I do all of my air work to commercial standards. Power off 180's are frequent to my flights as well. I'll give the 'go around once the wheels are down' a try.
I have not practice go arounds since my last flight with my CFI in Aug during my flight review.
I think I should practice them once in awhile. My biggest fear is if and when I have to do a real go around, I put the flaps all the way up and not in 10 degree increments. I face plant it into the ground If I'm low to the ground.
Yes, every time I screw up an approach, or when some knothead pulls out in front of me. (quite often)Do you practice Go arounds
Tim, I can appreciate your sincere concern for safety, and I agree that landing practice should normally be to full stops to practice the slow deliberate lowering of the nosewheel and braking while staying on centerline.
However, if you can consider a quick touchdown and immediate liftoff as a go-around, I would appeal to your concern for safety to add this practice.
It can happen: a botched landing, a flock of deer, use your imagination.
I mean full throttle as the mains touch with the nose still high and full flaps.
That is when the airplane needs maximum pilot control input and should be practiced by every certificate holder who carries pax.
I think a go-around at the last critical moment is more likely than an engine failure .