In the C182, I have my Mini mounted in a RAM X-Grip suction cupped to the left windscreen (lower right corner is even with the Airspeed indicator, and the upper third is eye level).
Absolutely no issues seeing the IAP's on the Mini. During the briefing portion, I'm zooming and panning as needed.
During the approach, I have the profile section prominently displayed (slightly zoomed) so I can easily see the key items.
From your various posts, it appears you are getting close to your checkride. So here is some advice that might be pretty key: DON'T GO INTO YOUR EXAM NOT HAVING PRACTICED FLYING WITH THE IPAD. Using the iPad for chart reference is enough of a change that at first, it is a major distraction. It's too easy to get fixated (intentionally and unintentionally) on the Pad and you let your flying get out of standards. If this occurs on the checkride the DPE is going to quickly see that, then never say anything while he sees how far you get out of standard.
For me, that's too much risk of a bust. So additional practice flying to the PTS while managing the iPad is highly recommended.