I do. Part of the reason is moves. When moving to a new place to live, friends come from groups, both work and play.
Low numbers but a solid few good friends from each stage of life and social group. Lots of acquaintances from them also.
The thing the OP mentioned about folks doing their own thing after school, is completely normal. And overspending on crap is a national pastime and definitely worth avoiding.
Have numerous friends who thought their debt-driven lifestyles were a good idea. Big house, fancy cars, lots of toys. No control over their stuff, it controls them. Most of them are divorced over money fights and now arguing over how to sell the crap heh haven't paid for yet decades later, or those with stronger marriages have had at least one bankruptcy. Some have three.
Will I go out to dinner or to life events if they ask and see them? Sure. Still love them as people. But they're often headed right back into consumer debt spending talking about whatever junk they're going to buy next to make themselves happy. It's awkward at that point since you know any sort of agreement is just enabling an addict.
I guess it depends on what level of friendship we're talking about. It seems that the friends formed earlier in life, like in college, have a better chance of being your close friends because you can be more invested in the relationships. Not that the relationships themselves were a goal necessarily, but because the time spent hanging was. It was easier to be fully engaged because there wasn't as much competition for your time, and there was less distraction. In college, your friends are kind of everything, socially speaking. In a lot of cases, you live together, eat together, etc. There are way fewer boundaries than there are later in life, so conversations are more free and revealing. Add alcohol and it frequently becomes way too revealing.
I'm not saying that friends can't be made later, but it's just more difficult because so much more of your life is tied up in family and work. I prioritize time with family over time with friends. So I rarely get together with other guys and just hang out. Most often kids are present and the time with friends centers around some activity that keeps the kids entertained and the parents distracted.
That's my 2¢ diagnosis.![]()
If you want a friend, get a dog.
I don't have a lot of close friends that live nearby. I can say that all my friends at the hangars are good friends with a couple of close ones. Contrary to an earlier poster, the military sucks for having friends because you know that whatever friendship you form will be separated within two to three years because one or both of you will get orders somewhere else. This is why I say I don't have a lot of close friends that live nearby. Having said that, there is potential here on this forum for me to have quite a few more friends (middle name Russ, you're included although I'm probably close to twice your age) if we could finally hook up for breakfast or a fly in someday. My closest buddy is my CFI and was my trainee in ATC at one point. He flies for Boutique now and lives in Phoenix while keeping his Arrow at Falcon Field in Mesa. On Fridays and Saturdays, he will either fly down to Tucson or I'll fly to Mesa. Sometimes its training for my instrument rating, sometimes its just a "lets just go somewhere new" flight.
mscard is my only friend. I wrote letters to him when he was in PoA solitary confinement.
I have a few flying friends. The best flying friend I have is right here on POA, @Hank S. Although I think he has unfriended as I haven't seen his Mooney is a long time.
That's right, he did. Joisey thing ya know but that's how we hang.
I recently read a book that talked about how after college ... it's all downhill.
I'm a lot older than that and I *am* still in college...My son is 39 and thinks he's still in college sometimes!![]()
I'm a lot older than that and I *am* still in college...![]()
I have met many great people flying around phoenix, but usually when we hang out it is more aviation related. We should get a fly in going down here, maybe do a bbq fly in when the weather gets a little cooler.