Do you call the briefer for local flights

I call whenever I'm leaving the immediate local area, and usually on the way to the airport or from the hangar.

Popup TFRs and airport closures can be a real pain....
I'm in the DC SFRA so I have to file anyway and it's just easy to call when I'm in the car on the 20 or so minute drive to the airport. My profile is affiliated with my cell phone number so as long as I call from that they get most of the information pre-populated - I just add fuel, altitude, time enroute, how many on board and then listen politely to the drone of the mostly extraneous standard briefing. Once in a while the notams or convective activity or icing conditions are more interesting than what I'd gotten from the online sources - which I almost always check anyway.
I think the key term is Qualified Internet Communications Provider (QICP), which is defined in AC00-62. I think DUAT and DUATS are QICP certified. claims they are as well, and is as well (or will be soon). At least, that's my understanding - someone will be along soon to correct me otherwise. One of the requirements appears to be that the system can tell who accessed the information and logs it. There are also requirements on system access time and outages.

Aopa's flight planner can get DUAT or DUATS briefings, but I don't think the weather charts count.
Chucky is correct except that is, not just claims to be, a QICP provider. And is now QICP-certified, too (since Feb 1 2010).
Thanks - and I didn't mean to sound dismissive of - I'm just discovering how wonderful it is.
Well, the FAA NOTAM cite still doesn't show an airshow at the Dells this weekend (KDLL). has links to the FSS site which is where I went; so, I called the FAA to report the issue with a voice mail on their safety of flight selection menu. The recording says they will respond within 3 days. That's not very helpful.


If you don't see a NOTAM on an airshow you know is happening, the better place to call is the airport manager, as that's who has to initiate the NOTAM and has the authority to have it posted.
Thanks Ron. That's where I wound up. They were pretty laid back about it. I mentioned it could really have affected my arrival by being posted so late. They said they would have worked things out somehow.
BTW, the airshow was in NOTAMs early this morning before I left. Wouldn't have been much help if the airshow started a bit earlier. Got in fine.

