Do women talk more than men?

Dave Siciliano said:
Here it is, a study confirming what may folks already thought to be true.

No? Really? Its such a shock. :rolleyes:
theres no way this is a real newspaper is it? Please tell me its something like The Onion.

Article said:
In contrast, women have more brain cells set aside for communication. And the act of talking triggers a flood of chemicals which gives them a rush similar to that felt by heroin addicts on a high.

Dr Brizendine, who runs a female 'mood and hormone' clinic in the US and describes herself as a feminist, said testosterone also reduces the size of the section of the brain involved in hearing, allowing men to become "deaf" to the most logical of arguments put forward by women.

These two paragraphs cracked me up. Cant be serious.
duh! ... and to prove my point, the dumba$$ software must be female, because it whined that my response was too short...
im deaf to your "logic" barb :)

and for the record, i never open my mouth when posting!
One Short said:
Yup, women obviously talk more than men! :yes:

Dave SicilianoPosts: 1,926
Anthony Posts: 2,588
Tony CondonPosts: 1,812
Greg KainzPosts: 1,874

Barb Posts: 146
:no: :no: :rofl: :rofl:

What Barb? I seem to have very little time to focus :P

Studies have shown that, while a man will think about sex every 52 seconds, the subject crosses women's minds just once a day, said said.


I have nothing to say regarding this subject.
Laurie said:
Barb has an excellent point.

The point that men post more on an aviation webboard than woman, where aviation is predominantly a male pursuit? Most women are just too scared. Your the exception. Viva la difference! :D
One Short said:
Yup, women obviously talk more than men! :yes:

Dave SicilianoPosts: 1,926
Anthony Posts: 2,588
Tony CondonPosts: 1,812
Greg KainzPosts: 1,874

Barb Posts: 146
:no: :no: :rofl: :rofl:
Let's see Conus challenge
BARB 136 claimed vs 146 posts
Dave 0 claimed vs 1926 posted
tony condon at least registered but 0 claimed vs 1812 posted
Greg Kainz registered but 0 claimed 1874 posted.

Areeda 8 claimed, (don't know how many posted until I hit submit) OK 267, I'm not claiming many or participating much. But hey it's a web board why should either stop me from commenting.

Way to go Barb!

Guys put up or shut up.

Last edited:
Anthony said:
The point that men post more on an aviation webboard than woman, where aviation is predominantly a male pursuit? Most women are just too scared.
Scared? :eek: Do you mean scared to fly, or scared to post on an aviation forum? :dunno:
Sorry, before reading this authoritive study, I didn't know I was supposed to think of sex every 52 seconds. I'm going to get a chess timer and start keeping much better track. Trouble is, whenever I do think of sex, I usually think about it for more than a minute; so, I'm tryin to figure out how I'm going to get anything done now. :goofy: Uhhhh besides one thing.


Just remember the two most important phrases that every man must know,

1. yes dear
2. no it does not make you look fat

Have those two ready at anytime and then you only need to listen just enough to pick the right one.
Dave Siciliano said:
Sorry, before reading this authoritive study, I didn't know I was supposed to think of sex every 52 seconds. I'm going to get a chess timer and start keeping much better track. Trouble is, whenever I do think of sex, I usually think about it for more than a minute; so, I'm tryin to figure out how I'm going to get anything done now. :goofy: Uhhhh besides one thing.


Dave, that's kind of endearing, in a funny sort of way. :D

And now I'm not as scared (being a woman and all) as I was after Anthony mentioned being scared.
Hey! What about "your were/are right dear!

This sex thing every 52 seconds really has me worried! Lots of ramifications for those males that aren't married and aren't seening anyone right now (if those two things are mutually exclusive.) :D

(Oh why did this expert have to say this; I was trying so hard (opps, shouldn't use that word right now) trying so, to be normal).


Dave Siciliano said:
Hey! What about "your were/are right dear!

This sex thing every 52 seconds really has me worried! Lots of ramifications for those males that aren't married and aren't seening anyone right now (if those two things are mutually exclusive.) :D
Dave, maybe the reincarnation lady would come in handy right about now? ;)
Whose the reincarnation lady, and please don't use the term "handy right' until I get rid of this fixation :no:
Diana said:
You crack me up. :D

The reincarnation of my favorite threads here:

Oh! That lady :lightning:

And, you used another word I can't think of during my 52 second period. (And I bet you didn't know guys could have periods.)

As a once sexy young singer said: oops, I (you) did it again!


Dave Siciliano said:
Oh! That lady :lightning:
I just went back and read the whole thing again...what a classic!

Dave Siciliano said:
And, you used another word I can't think of during my 52 second period.
Dave, perhaps you could make us a graph of your time frames and post it? :D You know, make it look like one of those "angle of attack during a spin" graphs? ;)
Diana said:
I just went back and read the whole thing again...what a classic!

Dave, perhaps you could make us a graph of your time frames and post it? :D You know, make it look like one of those "angle of attack during a spin" graphs? ;)

Great Idea, Diana. Oooops, 52 seconds, stand by.

O.K., just having trouble typing fast enou ooops!


Dave Siciliano said:
Great Idea, Diana. Oooops, 52 seconds, stand by.

O.K., just having trouble typing fast enou ooops!
Oh, my, it's a wonder you get anything done! :rofl:

Do you think your graph will look like some kind of parabola? Do you have enough graph paper?
I'm not sure how it would be expressed mathmatically. I'll ask 7 of 9 to explain it to me (ooops!). Perhaps something like an Eeeek K G. :cheerswine:

Seven of nice was toooooo di i i i ie for! Forget SPOCK. But, after all, a perfectly logical women, with a perfect body, in a skin tight outfit, that no one noticed....what absolute tripe :rofl: Ooooops!


Obviously the people conducting the study didn't include (insert favored political persuasion) talk show hosts...
Anthony said:
The point that men post more on an aviation webboard than woman, where aviation is predominantly a male pursuit? Most women are just too scared.
I was going to post a snide remark but I guess I'm too scared. :D ;)
Areeda said:
Let's see Conus challenge
BARB 136 claimed vs 146 posts
Dave 0 claimed vs 1926 posted
tony condon at least registered but 0 claimed vs 1812 posted
Greg Kainz registered but 0 claimed 1874 posted.

Areeda 8 claimed, (don't know how many posted until I hit submit) OK 267, I'm not claiming many or participating much. But hey it's a web board why should either stop me from commenting.

Way to go Barb!

Guys put up or shut up.


you got it! :blowingkisses:
wsuffa said:
Does Agatha have anything to say about it? :rolleyes:
Yep, why do you think I have nothing to say?
Everskyward said:
I was going to post a snide remark but I guess I'm too scared. :D ;)

Your from Colorado. That's a different story. :D
Years ago, a guy I worked with claimed men spoke about 20,000 words a day, while women spoke around 60,000. He had a wife & 2 daughters, so while he had already used up his 20k at work during the day, he'd say he'd have to go home and endure 120kwords more! :)

One Short said:
Yup, women obviously talk more than men! :yes:

Dave SicilianoPosts: 1,926
Anthony Posts: 2,588
Tony CondonPosts: 1,812
Greg KainzPosts: 1,874

Barb Posts: 146
:no: :no: :rofl: :rofl:

red-faced ... oops ... ok, but this is "TYPING" (and my lips aren't moving while I type) so not quite the same thing ... but I guess it does count against my words per day quota, because my wife says I don't talk enough. When our daughter was a teen, I gave up trying to get a word in edgewise. Come to think of it, even way before teen... when she was 5, she started talking in the car as we left Escondido, CA and didn't stop or even draw a breath between there and Big Bear, CA ... over 100 miles
"Reincarnation woman" ??? Whoa!!! That thread's over a year old! Just reinforces one of the funny "things guys wish women knew" or something like that - "Something said over a year ago is inadmissible in an argument" ...

Women NEVER forget! :)
Dave Siciliano said:
Sorry, before reading this authoritive study, I didn't know I was supposed to think of sex every 52 seconds. I'm going to get a chess timer and start keeping much better track. Trouble is, whenever I do think of sex, I usually think about it for more than a minute; so, I'm tryin to figure out how I'm going to get anything done now. :goofy: Uhhhh besides one thing.



Uhh, Dave... Spike, Bill, and I spent quite a lot of time jawing in your hangar. Hours, even. Every 52 seconds... for more than a minute...


Can this topic really be discussed without us getting in trouble :)

"Yes Dear!"