Do I need new IFR Certs after installing a new VSI?

As far as calling up the FSDO, this photo series pretty much covers that...

As far as the real-world static system...?

If I'm going to be trusting my life to it (IMC, vs... you know, looking out the window and not running into things VMC), I'd probably have it checked whenever a major component was changed out.

Stuff breaks when people "fix" things...

The question was is the test required, the answer is still no.

What you do to make you warm and fuzzy is your business.
This was taken from the AEA (Aircraft Electronics Association) website.

After reading feel free to bicker among yourselves. :rolleyes:

ATC Transponder Tests and Inspections

The following information is from the Federal Aviation Administration.

Q U E S T I O N :
According to FAR 91.411(a)(2), I am required to perform the tests and inspections required by paragraph (a) of 43 appendix E & F. How, as an A&P mechanic, can I change an airspeed in a small single-engine aircraft without having a repair station perform and sign off on 43 appendix F, paragraph (a)?

A N S W E R :
14 CFR 91.411 (a) (2) states that no person may operate an airplane or helicopter in controlled airspace under IFR unless, except for the use of system drain and alternate static pressure valves following any opening and closing of the static pressure system, that system has been tested and inspected and found to comply with paragraph (a), appendices E and F, of part 43 of this chapter.

14 CFR 91.411 (b) defines who may perform the tests required of 91.411 (a), and 14 CFR 91.411 (b) states that the tests required by paragraph (a) of this section must be conducted by any of the following:
• The manufacturer of the airplane or helicopter on which the tests and inspections are to be performed.
• A certificated repair station properly equipped to perform those functions and holding:
(i) An instrument rating, Class I;
(ii) A limited instrument rating appropriate to the make and model of appliance to be tested;
(iii) A limited rating appropriate to the test to be performed;
(iv) An airframe rating appropriate to the airplane or helicopter to be tested; or
(v) A limited rating for a manufacturer issued for the appliance in
accordance with § 145.101(b)(4) of this chapter. 14 CFR 91.411 (b) (3) allows a certificated mechanic with an airframe rating to perform static pressure system tests and inspections only. Since Part 43 Appendix F is the ATC Transponder Tests and Inspections, an A&P cannot perform this test.

In raising this question with FAA headquarters, the agency acknowledged that Appendix F really has nothing to do with the pitot-static system and that a change to 91.411 is in theworks. However, there is currently no exemption to this requirement.

(Note: The AEA offers “Frequently Asked Questions” to foster greater understanding of the Federal Aviation Administration regulations and the rules governing our industry. The AEA strives to ensure FAQs are as accurate as possible at the time of publication; however, rules change. Therefore, information received from an AEA FAQ should be verified before being relied on. This information is not meant to serve as legal advice. If you have particular legal questions, they should be directed to an attorney. THE AEA DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY FOR THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION PROVIDED.)
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I'm mainly struck by how little of this discussion has to do with common sense.