Disclosing old hospital admission


Filing Flight Plan
Dec 28, 2022
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How should I handle this when applying for my first (1st class) medical:

- 17 or 18 years ago I went to the hospital after a stressful night (family issue) with a sensation of rapid heartbeat and generally not feeling well. I had flu like symptoms generally during those days. I was very young, 18 or 19. Living at home, my parents were worried and pressured me to go to the hospital.

- Admitted to hospital for the night (it was already late when I arrived). They gave me intravenous antibiotics and fluids. After which I rapidly improved and felt normal. This may have been a coincidence, maybe I'd have recovered quickly anyway without the hospital visit.

- I received an EKG (I think). Normal result.

That was my only medical provider interaction with that issue. Since then, no issues at all, no health problems of any kind, no prescription medications ever taken. Aside from this my medical record is basically 0 (only medicine I've ever taken since has been an Advil every year or two).

The hospital has since changed ownership and they can't locate any records from so long ago. I have a bill of an attending doctor, but his office has since closed. I have no records beyond that bill.

How should I approach this with regards to disclosure? I am worried that because the details of the visit are so vague, it will trigger some suspicion, but I am not sure what else I can do.

Am I worrying about nothing?

Thank you!
Based on what you said I would report it pretty much like you described. "Admitted to Hospital for Flu like symptoms"

Based on what you said I would report it pretty much like you described. "Admitted to Hospital for Flu like symptoms"

Treated with antibiotics and fluids and released within 24 hours.

Leave out any extraneous non-medical information.
Thanks for your replies. Reassuring. I'll disclose it with a brief description similar to the suggestions.

It's good to know that this will not automatically trigger some kind of bureaucratic delay or problem (I hope).
Old Thread: Hello . There have been no replies in this thread for 365 days.
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Perhaps it would be better to start a new thread instead.