Digitized Aircraft Maintenance Logs?


Pre-takeoff checklist
Aug 16, 2016
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Wondering if anyone has gone through the process of digitizing their maintenance logs? Any recommendations for a service, or did you do it yourself? How are you managing updates?
Might want to take a look at the guys at PlaneLogIx

I'm not an aircraft owner but I've met these guys and it seems they have a decent product. At least worth investigating if you are looking for more than simply scanning for backup purposes.
i do it myself. 1 PDF for Aircraft log book, 1 for engine , 1 for prop.
i also have printed copies ... yah i am paranoid
i do it myself. 1 PDF for Aircraft log book, 1 for engine , 1 for prop.
i also have printed copies ... yah i am paranoid

Did you scan on a flat bed scanner or take PDF pics with your cell phone? other?
Did you scan on a flat bed scanner or take PDF pics with your cell phone? other?

Flatbed scanner then OCR so I can actually find stuff without reading every darn page

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What’s OCR
Optical Character Recognition - it's what takes what is a essentially a picture of a document (a scan or a photo) and changes it into something searchable and from which text can be copies and pasted elsewhere.
some of the AP hand written log entries will definitely test the OCR capabilities.
some of the AP hand written log entries will definitely test the OCR capabilities.

yah, some of the them are just plain funny or doesnt make any sense... luckily all my flight logs since about 10 yrs back are printed
Scan ‘em with a flatbed. If it’s an old airplane and the logbooks are lengthy it’ll take a while ... but it’s worth it. I’m very glad I did it ... :)

I copy the pdf files to the cloud, and also save them to an SD card that is kept in the airplane. That way they’re available if I’m stuck in East Podunk, a mechanic needs them and there’s no internet access. Oh, and it’s on my iPad, too. ;)

Choose your “cloud” wisely. I have a public IP address and a Linux box in a closet hooked to a cable modem.

I can offer you all sorts of services from it in “the cloud” for the right price. :)

No amount of money is worth running your e-mail server for you though. At least I’ve learned that over the years. $50K per user per year if you want e-mail.

Because **** running e-mail servers. :)
Choose your “cloud” wisely.

You’re right Nate. The “cloud” covers a whole lotta real estate these days...I still kinda like backing up on my own gear.

Thanks for the $50k offer on email though :) I’m actually decommissioning a vanity domain name this weekend, one of my bigger wastes of money.
Thanks for the $50k offer on email though :) I’m actually decommissioning a vanity domain name this weekend, one of my bigger wastes of money.

Dude. What are you paying for domain registration and hosting?! My domains run me nearly nothing really. DIY servers though. Roughly $7-$10 a year?

Right now I do have one of them attached to Google Suite but that was probably a mistake. I need to suck all the data back out and do that differently.

And not because Google isn’t doing a great job of hosting all the crap but because signing up for GSuite breaks all sorts of deals that standard GMail free accounts can buy and use that GSuite customers can’t.

They’d actually make more money off of me if they could figure out how to integrate their products properly.
Dude. What are you paying for domain registration and hosting?! My domains run me nearly nothing really. DIY servers though. Roughly $7-$10 a year?

By the time I got done registering/maintaining/letting somebody else host it/running 5 email addresses I was about $150 a year. The domain is a throwaway, it’s the email that’s hardest to get away from.
By the time I got done registering/maintaining/letting somebody else host it/running 5 email addresses I was about $150 a year. The domain is a throwaway, it’s the email that’s hardest to get away from.

Oh yeah. Too much for a vanity. If all you’re trying to do is keep the email and not websites and stuff there’s some cheap but good email services that’ll do that. Assuming your DNS registrar will host the MX record for the domain for ya, keeping the email is cheap.
I have written a maintenance program for single and multi-engine GA aircraft, where a list of maintenance items is specified for each of airframe, engine/s and prop/s, SB's and AD's. Each inspection item may have one or more of date/hours/cycles/landings or on-condition limitations. After setting up the maintenance schedule and loading the current state, all parameters are tracked using only the Hobbs/tacho time, engine cycles and landings as recorded in the flight folio. Items that become due are highlighted in a report. An MPI warning occurs as the hours or date limitation is approached. Items about to become due (defined by per user-set parameters) are also listed. After any maintenance work, all updated items (work done) are logged to a history file so any component's history can be tracked accurately.

If this is of interest, please establish contact.
i do it myself. 1 PDF for Aircraft log book, 1 for engine , 1 for prop.
i also have printed copies ... yah i am paranoid

That, on a flatbed, I use pdfmerge to add pages, I keep it local as well as in the cloud

I also scan all STCs, yellow tags, receipts, etc.

I have a small pocket note book with all my scheduled mx, oil changes, VOR checks, etc, in the glove box of the plane.
I have written a maintenance program for single and multi-engine GA aircraft, where a list of maintenance items is specified for each of airframe, engine/s and prop/s, SB's and AD's. Each inspection item may have one or more of date/hours/cycles/landings or on-condition limitations. After setting up the maintenance schedule and loading the current state, all parameters are tracked using only the Hobbs/tacho time, engine cycles and landings as recorded in the flight folio. Items that become due are highlighted in a report. An MPI warning occurs as the hours or date limitation is approached. Items about to become due (defined by per user-set parameters) are also listed. After any maintenance work, all updated items (work done) are logged to a history file so any component's history can be tracked accurately.

If this is of interest, please establish contact.

Info.... Go ahead and post.
