Digging up old medical records?



If the FAA would want to see medical records from over 10 years ago, how did you get them? Everything I am finding is that there is a 10 year hold and Dr's offices and hospitals don't keep records going back any further. I don't even remember Dr's names going back that far, but if they want to see an initial diagnosis, I would have no idea how to obtain it.

Any ideas and advice welcome! Thank you!
Unless there was a significant diagnosis that required follow up they would not require records. Now if you had a stoke 10 years ago without f/u they would want a current evaluation. Have never been asked for records for hernia repair, spinal fusion, appendectomy. If they request old records, be sure they would require current evaluation with or without old records.
Thanks Eldorado.

20 years ago I had a anxiety situation, couldn’t sleep from reliving it, and took a med from my doctor and I’d have to find what it was. I don’t even know what he put, depression, anxiety, hard to say. He switched offices so I never saw him again. Ame said we’d talk about it at consult I scheduled and was just asking what to bring and told him my issues, will discuss when you get here.

Only other issue was high BP on one cdl physical but latest was better and no meds. Never saw my doc for that since it was renewed. Ame didn’t say to bring anything with me and I thought he’d want my jacket is all.
Good luck likely it was an SSRI maybe Prozac which was common one 20 years ago you have to jump though hoops I'm guessing wonder if you tell the AME about it on a consult how can he omit that when you actually get the medical done? Let us know how it went the AME's here would know for sure what you need maybe they will reply.
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