The hardest part for me was in learning to apply myself, especially in cross country planing. I would sit there, with my charts and POH trying to work out every little detail, my eyes would glaze over and I would find myself thinking of anything but what I should be thinking about.
I had to spend a lot of time convincing myself that flight planing was fun, I flat out hated doing it. A friend, after hearing me complain about it, suggested hypnosis to help work on an attitude change. So I agreed and let her try it. I never felt at all like she hypnotized me, however, there was a huge change in my attitude and attention span after just one time.
Once I did that, the whole thing fell in place, flight planing was easy, simply because I could now focus on each step. I went from spending a whole evening to spending about an hour to complete a flight plan. Now I actually enjoy working up flight plans that include all the weather calculations, engine performance, etc.
I'm not saying flying an airplane was all that easy at the time, but what got to me the most, was all the nit picking little details. Listening to my friend was probably the smartest thing I could have done.