Did you catch Lawrence O'Donnell at his finest?


Ejection Handle Pulled
Dec 1, 2014
Somewhere else
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Unwanted Guest - Perma-ban Pending
It's long, but funny.

Without going into the politics, it's interesting to see the off air bits.

To his credit, he did click into "the show mode" on cue despite showing no composure in between.

Most telling was his rant about the SOT (sound on tape) not being edited correctly and including words he had specifically asked be cut, which he presumed would lead to viewer complaints. Not sure if that occurred.

Warning: Much profanity

He seems like the happy sort. :)

What a Prima Donna. What do you suppose his cut is from the propaganda machine vs one of the control room folks he's bitching at? 10X their salary? 20?
Only seem him a few times as I seldom watch that network but he always seemed like a pompous DB.
He seems like the happy sort. :)

What a Prima Donna. What do you suppose his cut is from the propaganda machine vs one of the control room folks he's bitching at? 10X their salary? 20?

You know, after thinking about it the people who work for politicians and political pundits deserve all the abuse they get, and the low salaries.

If you want to be part of their "causes", step on up for some good old fashioned abuse by a boss who lies for a living. Good stuff.
Liberals are angry people. Anyone ever notice how Rosie O'Donnell's attempt at smiling makes it appear she's grimacing from the effort?
His condescension to the control room crew reveals who he is as a person. What's the phrase? "Character is defined by how you act when you think no one is looking."
I hadn't heard of O'Donnell and and I haven't heard O'Reilly in years (and I listened to neither link to keep the streak), but here's a personal favorite, an oldie but a goodie.

ponderous...f'n ponderous
^^^^Haha A man way too committed to his "craft". Solid gold meltdown. :D
Liberals are angry people. Anyone ever notice how Rosie O'Donnell's attempt at smiling makes it appear she's grimacing from the effort?

I thought she went to Canada (poor Canada) along with Cher, Baldwin, Striesland.....remember when Rosie and Trump were going at it years ago?
Liberals are angry people. Anyone ever notice how Rosie O'Donnell's attempt at smiling makes it appear she's grimacing from the effort?


And I'll get angry if this thread gets political. The quoted statement is political. Let's stop it there.
Huh, looks like the same sign we had at the airline. BTW morale never improved.

They were probably beating the wrong employees then. You have to beat the right ones to get morale up. It's easy to find them. They usually wear ties.
They were probably beating the wrong employees then. You have to beat the right ones to get morale up. It's easy to find them. They usually wear ties.

But but our management didn't wear ties! :D
They simply weren't beating hard enough. ;)

Oh but they were! When I started in '89 they were still called commuter airlines, at the end in '13 they were called regionals. Crews were definitely abused back in those days but it did get better in the latter years as the RJs came online, but not the same as being at a major.
Maybe he is a pre madonna maybe this was the 19th time this has happened and he has had it.
Who knows?

We all have limits. My gut says he has a pretty cushy job and over reacting to something that in the grand scheme of things isn't a real problem but that is based on a snippet of data.
Maybe he is a pre madonna

Yah, he's Pre-Madonna. He's 65 and she's only 59. ;)

pri·ma don·na
ˌprēmə ˈdänə/
noun: primadonna
  1. the chief female singer in an opera or opera company.
    synonyms: leading soprano, leading lady, diva, star, opera star, principal singer
    "this scene was added to give the prima donna another aria"
    • a very temperamental person with an inflated view of their own talent or importance.
      synonyms: ego, self-important person, his nibs, temperamental person, princess, diva, pooh-bah;
      informaldrama queen
      "a city council filled with prima donnas"
I didn't watch the whole thing, so I don't know how it ended. I'm certainly no fan of his - but he did a pretty good job of getting back into "go" mode as soon as the red light came on. As far as his melt-down goes: I've never tried talking when getting instructions in my ear telling me what to say while reading a teleprompter at the same time and being ready to ad-lib when necessary, but I imagine it has to be pretty distracting when you get extraneous voices or background noises coming through. Even in the airplane, you don't normally send and receive at the same time.
Yah, he's Pre-Madonna. He's 65 and she's only 59. ;)

pri·ma don·na
ˌprēmə ˈdänə/
noun: primadonna
  1. the chief female singer in an opera or opera company.
    synonyms: leading soprano, leading lady, diva, star, opera star, principal singer
    "this scene was added to give the prima donna another aria"
    • a very temperamental person with an inflated view of their own talent or importance.
      synonyms: ego, self-important person, his nibs, temperamental person, princess, diva, pooh-bah;
      informaldrama queen
      "a city council filled with prima donnas"
What do you expect, he's from Texas.
As far as his melt-down goes: I've never tried talking when getting instructions in my ear telling me what to say while reading a teleprompter at the same time and being ready to ad-lib when necessary, but I imagine it has to be pretty distracting when you get extraneous voices or background noises coming through.

DistractIng? Sure.

Aggravating? Of course.

But the behavior exhibited showed pretty clear anger management issues.