Diana had surgery today

Thanks, Kevin. :) I appreciate that. :yes:

I'm going to try to go without pain pills today. I can get my arm higher today up the wall.

How in the heck do you make the stupid sling more comfortable? It really hurts where it rubs on the other side of my neck. I'd just as soon not wear the sling at all.

I'm off to see how well this all works on my recumbent bike upstairs. Surely riding that bike won't hurt anything if the arm isn't moved.

Each day should get a little easier. One thing to be aware of; you *will* over use it and pay the price for a couple hours. That's just the body's way of letting you know how much is too much at that particular time. :yes:
Just don't let the pain get to the point where relievers can't help much. Remind me to tell you about a possum throwing incident a couple weeks post op and how I came to that statement ;) :D

As for the sling...never used it after waking up the day after surgery for the same reason you mention.
Sorry to hear about this. Get back to normal soon. Or better.
When I got home that same evening leaned over wth my arm in the sling and let it swing around to keep things limber. I did that as much as possible. Seems to be in about a week I was laying under the race car turning wrenches. Got pretty aggresive in therapy also.

Glad to hear it's going well and you'll be good as new soon!!! :yes:
Just don't let the pain get to the point where relievers can't help much.
Well, that sums up today here at the farm. I really wanted to quit taking those during the day. Evidently, I picked the wrong day to quit taking Lorcet. ;)
Remind me to tell you about a possum throwing incident a couple weeks post op and how I came to that statement ;) :D
Oh, my, I can't wait to hear that one! :D

As for the sling...never used it after waking up the day after surgery for the same reason you mention.
Yea, it got fired today. Surely there is a better way to design those things.

When I got home that same evening leaned over wth my arm in the sling and let it swing around to keep things limber. I did that as much as possible. Seems to be in about a week I was laying under the race car turning wrenches. Got pretty aggresive in therapy also.

Glad to hear it's going well and you'll be good as new soon!!! :yes:
Hummm, under race cars...sounds like you bounced back pretty fast. :yes: I hope to get in the back of the Citabria in a day or two for a short ride...it's part of the therapeutic regime. :yes:

I googled post-op exercises and found out that's one of them (pendulum swing). That was added to the "finger crawl up the wall" today.

Sorry to hear about this. Get back to normal soon. Or better.
Thanks, Peggy. It sure helps to be able to visit with friends here about it. Amazing how common this surgery really is. If I can eventually check my mags without pain, it will have been worth it.
Hi Diana. Don't think because I haven't posted that I wasn't thinking of you. I hope your recovery is quick, your pain is rapidly diminishing and that you are back doing what you like to do.
Late to the party... But, I do wish you all the best.
I know this is a tough surgery. I also know you'll be back in the saddle quicker than most.
So, here's to a speedy recovery! :cheerswine:
I've been totally unconected for the weekend... sometimes good to do that. Glad to hear you are doing good and hope you bounce back quickly.
Thanks, guys! I'm ready to get to work on rehab now.

Tom asked if I wanted a ride in the Citabria this evening, but the pain is too edgy and the runway too bumpy for a fun flight right now.
Well shucks, Diana. Lousy way to spend the holiday, but glad it's getting better. Take care, and don't do something silly....like laundry (too heavy), dishes (bad range of motion), etc. :cornut:
Can't you just fly with the other hand and work the throttle with your teeth?

Thanks, guys! I'm ready to get to work on rehab now.

Tom asked if I wanted a ride in the Citabria this evening, but the pain is too edgy and the runway too bumpy for a fun flight right now.
Can't you just fly with the other hand and work the throttle with your teeth?

The opposite might work better as the stick is softer than the throttle (better grip with the teeth). Plus Diana could just bite down hard on the grip whenever a bump causes excessive pain in her shoulder. Might be tough to see where she's going though.

Diana, if you try this I want to see pictures!:D
Thanks, guys! I'm ready to get to work on rehab now.

If you haven't been through re-mobilizing a joint before, I have some advice:

1) Chart your range of motion and focus on steady progress rather than a quick return to "normal" (the clinic should provide for this).

2) A little pain is normal, but don't push it to the point of serious pain, that seems to slow progress down.

3) Do your take home exercises (if any) religiously.

4) Keep at it until you have full range of motion, don't quit early with the idea that the rest will come by itself or that you can live with a slight degradation. Assume that we will require you to demonstrate a full recovery next June.
Can't you just fly with the other hand and work the throttle with your teeth?

The opposite might work better as the stick is softer than the throttle (better grip with the teeth). Plus Diana could just bite down hard on the grip whenever a bump causes excessive pain in her shoulder. Might be tough to see where she's going though.

Diana, if you try this I want to see pictures!:D

You guys crack me up! :D :D :D

Maybe I could use my toes in there somehow. :D It's possible to fly along with your knees controlling the stick (I bet you guys have done that), but I never tried landing doing that. ;)

If you haven't been through re-mobilizing a joint before, I have some advice:

1) Chart your range of motion and focus on steady progress rather than a quick return to "normal" (the clinic should provide for this).

2) A little pain is normal, but don't push it to the point of serious pain, that seems to slow progress down.

3) Do your take home exercises (if any) religiously.

4) Keep at it until you have full range of motion, don't quit early with the idea that the rest will come by itself or that you can live with a slight degradation. Assume that we will require you to demonstrate a full recovery next June.

Sounds like good advice. :yes:

Get well soon!

Thanks! :)
Diana. Get real. We all know you are milking this for the morning Vodka and Vicodin routine.

Well shucks, Diana. Lousy way to spend the holiday, but glad it's getting better. Take care, and don't do something silly....like laundry (too heavy), dishes (bad range of motion), etc. :cornut:

Kaye has it right.

No laundry for 6 months, taking out the garbage for 6 years, and dusting is out for life. (trust me---I'm a Doctor!:cornut:)

Flying, on the other hand, is good for what ails you.

Get better soon.

Diana. Get real. We all know you are milking this for the morning Vodka and Vicodin routine.


You sure have me pegged. :yes: :D Just trying to re-achieve a homeostatic harmony. :D :cheerswine:

Kaye has it right.

No laundry for 6 months, taking out the garbage for 6 years, and dusting is out for life. (trust me---I'm a Doctor!:cornut:)

Flying, on the other hand, is good for what ails you.

Get better soon.


:D So, it sounds like dusting the furniture with the sweeper nozzle is out, too. Dang! :D
Maybe I could use my toes in there somehow. :D It's possible to fly along with your knees controlling the stick (I bet you guys have done that), but I never tried landing doing that. ;)

One problem with that idea - you need your feet on the rudders. Your toes are already spoken for. :yes:

Good luck with the PT.
I'm late too, but make certain you do that therapy stuff, 'k?
"K" :D

Just went to PT for the first time today. It's a good thing I had some input from my friends here...otherwise the shoulder would have been really, really stiff by now.
OK, I don't know what's going on. Everything was fine, going to PT three times a week, faithfully doing the exercises at home twice a day, being a good girl, pain was getting less and less, even though it still hurt all the time. The physical therapists were both really proud of me and thought I was doing soooo good.

And now, the shoulder hurts a lot more and it feels really angry now....like this---> :mad3:

Friday, at PT, we added weight (only one pound) to some of the exercises and it hurt more doing that and after that, and it has hurt even more since then. I can barely do my exercises now and I am getting discouraged. Tomorrow I'm going to have a talk with the physical therapist before we do anything.

Do any of you who have gone through this have any thoughts? It's been a little over 3 weeks since surgery. Is this normal behavior for a shoulder?
OK, I don't know what's going on. Everything was fine, going to PT three times a week, faithfully doing the exercises at home twice a day, being a good girl, pain was getting less and less, even though it still hurt all the time. The physical therapists were both really proud of me and thought I was doing soooo good.

And now, the shoulder hurts a lot more and it feels really angry now....like this---> :mad3:

Friday, at PT, we added weight (only one pound) to some of the exercises and it hurt more doing that and after that, and it has hurt even more since then. I can barely do my exercises now and I am getting discouraged. Tomorrow I'm going to have a talk with the physical therapist before we do anything.

Do any of you who have gone through this have any thoughts? It's been a little over 3 weeks since surgery. Is this normal behavior for a shoulder?

Diana, don't get discouraged, a lot of things might cause that. You may have been doing a little too much since you've been making so much progress. It seems doubtful that the PT folks would have given you more than you could handle. Ice is your friend :) I'm hope everything will be fine.

Had a bit of the same thing with my wife today. She's been making good progrss with the knee so we decided to go out today and have breakfast out. When we got home she said her leg was throbbing. When I came around to pick her up I had to get out of the car and help her back in.
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And now, the shoulder hurts a lot more and it feels really angry now....like this---> :mad3:

Friday, at PT, we added weight (only one pound) to some of the exercises and it hurt more doing that and after that, and it has hurt even more since then. I can barely do my exercises now and I am getting discouraged. Tomorrow I'm going to have a talk with the physical therapist before we do anything.

Do any of you who have gone through this have any thoughts? It's been a little over 3 weeks since surgery. Is this normal behavior for a shoulder?
I went through all this when I destroyed my knee.
Ups and downs are to be expected. Sometimes the only way to find the limit is to go past it. Then you know you went past it, because it hurts.

Do as the PT folks say, tell them everything that's going on, make sure you don't try to hide what's happening. DO NOT try to "tough it out" when something hurts.

You'll get there. I just takes time and determination!
You bled a little bit into the capsule. ICE, ICE ICE and passive ROM, please. KEEP after it.

Remember it's the rehab that's H_ll on wheels.
Sorry to hear that Diana. I'm not surprised however. During each of my 4 shoulder surgeries there was always a time when backsliding occurred (recall the possum throwing comment :sosp:). As Bruce and others mentioned, powering through is important (once pain is reduced) but icing is critical when the pain erupts. It will hurt like the dickens for about 36 hours but it *will* subside.

Keep on keeping on, it will get better. :smile:
Well, thanks guys. :) The ice this afternoon has helped. I haven't used ice since the surgery and have been avoiding it, but it seems to have helped today. My joints HATE cold and have since I developed arthritis in my 20's, so I have been avoiding cold on my joints like the plague. Cold can actually trigger a flare with me.

Last night and this morning I got in the hot tub and it helped...at the time, but maybe it didn't help in the long-run. So, more ice tonight (no more hot tub) and maybe things will be better tomorrow. Just passive ROM until then. This is frustrating. But, I really appreciate your support and encouragement. :)

My friend wanted me to start flying the CJ-6 again last week and I told him it might be one more week. The hardest part will be getting in and out of the cockpit.

Kevin, I still want to hear the story about the possum. ;)
Well, thanks guys. :) The ice this afternoon has helped. I haven't used ice since the surgery and have been avoiding it, but it seems to have helped today. My joints HATE cold and have since I developed arthritis in my 20's, so I have been avoiding cold on my joints like the plague. Cold can actually trigger a flare with me.

Last night and this morning I got in the hot tub and it helped...at the time, but maybe it didn't help in the long-run. So, more ice tonight (no more hot tub) and maybe things will be better tomorrow. Just passive ROM until then. This is frustrating. But, I really appreciate your support and encouragement. :)

I don't think there's anything wrong with alternating ice and the hot tub. And AFaIK, ice is for reducing swelling, heat is for loosening things up before you stretch. I'll bet that as long as you don't try for motion while applying the ice you won't aggravate the arthritis. And don't worry about any temporary lack of progress, it's the perseverance that counts the most, just don't stop until you've managed a full recovery. If you can learn to fly (aerobatics no less) you know you can do this.
Another option might be to just flip off the rehab and get a plane with a side-stick.
Wayne, someone needs to make a "stirring pot" smiely for you. :)

Sorry about the bump in the rehab, Diana, but I know you'll get through it!
Wayne, someone needs to make a "stirring pot" smiely for you. :)



Sorry about the bump in the rehab, Diana, but I know you'll get through it!
Thanks. :) I'm off to talk to the therapist shortly. The ice and limiting exercise helped yesterday and this morning.
I don't think there's anything wrong with alternating ice and the hot tub. And AFaIK, ice is for reducing swelling, heat is for loosening things up before you stretch. I'll bet that as long as you don't try for motion while applying the ice you won't aggravate the arthritis. And don't worry about any temporary lack of progress, it's the perseverance that counts the most, just don't stop until you've managed a full recovery. If you can learn to fly (aerobatics no less) you know you can do this.

Well, last week Terry ("Pumper") wanted to get me back in the CJ-6 for more flight instruction. I told him it might be one more week last week. Now it looks like it might be one more week yet. Getting in and out of the cockpit should be the only problem.

Another option might be to just flip off the rehab and get a plane with a side-stick.
Joe Areeda let me fly his Cirrus once. It seemed pretty easy with that side-stick, but it goes too fast...you can't hardly see the scenery when you go fast like that. :D
Just trying to think of a practical solution that would (a) provide the quickest way to get her back to flying and (b) eliminate the bitching about rehab. :P

Wayne, someone needs to make a "stirring pot" smiely for you. :)

Sorry about the bump in the rehab, Diana, but I know you'll get through it!
You bled a little bit into the capsule. ICE, ICE ICE and passive ROM, please. KEEP after it.

Remember it's the rehab that's H_ll on wheels.
And that's pretty much what the therapist said today. Just like you said. :yes:
Joe Areeda let me fly his Cirrus once. It seemed pretty easy with that side-stick, but it goes too fast...you can't hardly see the scenery when you go fast like that. :D

You can always pull the power back. ;)
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