Are Cirri POHs radically different from other POHs in that a decreasing pressure gauge with stable temperature simply indicating to the pilot the possibility of a malfunctioning gauge? Or was it the "high rpm setting" that was in contradiction?
From the POH:
Low Oil Pressure
If low oil pressure is accompanied by a rise in oil temperature, the
engine has probably lost a significant amount of its oil and engine
failure may be imminent. Immediately reduce engine power to idle and
select a suitable forced landing field.
Prolonged use of high power settings after loss of oil pressure
will lead to engine mechanical damage and total engine
failure, which could be catastrophic.
Full power should only be used following a loss of oil pressure
when operating close to the ground and only for the time
necessary to climb to an altitude permitting a safe landing or
analysis of the low oil pressure indication to confirm oil
pressure has actually been lost.
If low oil pressure is accompanied by normal oil temperature, it
is possible that the oil pressure sensor, gage, or relief valve is
malfunctioning. In any case, land as soon as practical and
determine cause.
1. Power Lever ................................................MINIMUM REQUIRED
2. Land as soon as possible.