Departing VFR after telephoning for an IFR clearance

How is 3 minutes possible when cleared route is not as filed, VFR traffic in pattern (who are also using, the runway), etc.
It probably isn't.

If that's all they give, take it. If you're not ready to depart before the void time then call them back when you are and ask for a new release time.

If you are so motivated, you might consider a call to the facilities QA person to discuss how this procedure isn't practical for pilots, how it can induce errors, and how a call for release clearance would remove those negative pressures.

You might also mentioned that an initial clearance with call for release is no different from a 3-min window that is missed requiring another call for release, except that the airspace didn't have to be protected during the time that the pilot was not ready to depart.

Most controllers aren't pilots. Many don't understand that we can't just copy the clearance, set the transponder, and depart.
If that's all they give, take it. If you're not ready to depart before the void time then call them back when you are and ask for a new release time.
You might also mentioned that an initial clearance with call for release is no different from a 3-min window that is missed requiring another call for release, except that the airspace didn't have to be protected during the time that the pilot was not ready to depart.

It would be nice if they did it or if we can negotiate a longer void time, but we ultimately learn how to deal with these situations. Interestingly, taking the clearance and initial release/void time, then calling back for a new release window accomplishes our goal completely. We get our clearance and call back for the release. The only downside is to the the facility which won't do it to begin with.
Same experience departing non-towered airport, with ZBW ARTCC facility.

When requesting clearance with a hold-for-release, response: "We don't do that."
They've insisted on clearance, release, and 3 minute VOID time, all on one call.

How is 3 minutes possible when cleared route is not as filed, VFR traffic in pattern (who are also using, the runway), etc.
Response: Unable.
-Either void times needs to be much longer, or like everywhere else, include hold-for-release so pilot can call back when, ready to go.
Maybe they had IFR traffic inbound and there was only a 3 minute window to get you out or a long wait. If you cannot be ready by the void time just tell ATC.

One way to be ready quicker is to just put the first 20 or so minutes of the route into the box. After takeoff and when things slow down put the rest of the route in the box, just don't forget.