Denali Rescue, Alaska Flyer?

I can say that I *did* see Richard on the local news, when the two women first went missing...

Well, I'm not sure how I missed this thread until now, except that I didn't have time to even turn on a computer through the length of the search. Must have been bumped down in the list by the time I logged back on.

Yeah, I was incident commander :frog: I'm on a team that travels to Alaska and west coast parks for similar things, this time it was in my back yard.
I was doing the tourist bit in the park for a couple of the days the search was going on. Sort of put a damper on how great it is there. I was also in the lobby of the hotel when the announcement was made that they were found. a BIG cheer by a LOT of people followed.

What was the deal? I've read speculation that the girl got "lost" on purpose to upstage her sister's wedding. Any truth to that or did they just go out unprepared with little knowledge of the wilderness? Pretty cool you were incident commander. :cheerswine:
I was doing the tourist bit in the park for a couple of the days the search was going on. Sort of put a damper on how great it is there. I was also in the lobby of the hotel when the announcement was made that they were found. a BIG cheer by a LOT of people followed.

Wow, Charlie, sorry I missed you :( ;) Would have been nice to have met a legend!

What was the deal? I've read speculation that the girl got "lost" on purpose to upstage her sister's wedding. Any truth to that or did they just go out unprepared with little knowledge of the wilderness? Pretty cool you were incident commander. :cheerswine:

There were a lot of rumors, as usual when you have a large community of young people, and the lovely "comments" on internet news articles. The best one was that one of them was supposedly dating one of our employees, who stood to benefit financially from a large amount of search overtime pay :rolleyes:

All of which turned out to be unmitigated hogwash. They actually engaged in classic lost person behavior: got turned around and decided to walk themselves out of trouble, unfortunately in the wrong direction.