Newbie pilot
Has anyone recently gone through Decision path 1 (off SSRI’S)? Do you care to share your experience? Currently flying under sport pilot regs. with a driver’s license only but want to upgrade to private. My life is completely benign with a stable job, stable family, finances are in order, do not drink, do not smoke, have never used drugs, no DUI’s, no past convictions, no hidden skeletons, etc. By all accounts, I am fine but proving my innocence against a perception of guilt seems almost insurmountable. My non HIMS AME is also a pilot but she is hesitant to send in my application for Class III medical knowing that if I do not pass, I lose my sport pilot privileges. I know about Basic med but need my class III first.
I was on an approved SSRI for less than a year and have been off it for more than 2. I went on the drug with no issues and came off it without issue. All of this is documented through letters from my treating physician (family doc not psychiatrist). Hindsight is always 20/20 and had I known of the difficulties I am encountering now, the SSRI use should have been avoided. I am trying not to further complicate what is essentially just a hobby for me by not going down a rabbit hole of additional costly and time-consuming requirements being thrust upon me by the FAA (cog screen, psych eval, etc.)
I was on an approved SSRI for less than a year and have been off it for more than 2. I went on the drug with no issues and came off it without issue. All of this is documented through letters from my treating physician (family doc not psychiatrist). Hindsight is always 20/20 and had I known of the difficulties I am encountering now, the SSRI use should have been avoided. I am trying not to further complicate what is essentially just a hobby for me by not going down a rabbit hole of additional costly and time-consuming requirements being thrust upon me by the FAA (cog screen, psych eval, etc.)