day trips for private pilots who are runners

M20C pilot

Filing Flight Plan
May 17, 2015
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I'm a long-time avid distance runner and recent private pilot. Passion for the latter hobby, along with aircraft ownership, has eroded my running abilities recently. Now I'm looking to combine the two to address imminent W&B issues :wink2:. I'm looking for quick day trips in the mid Atlantic region (within 200mi of Philadelphia) where there are interesting new places to run in immediate vicinity (within 2 mi) of the airfield.

Does anyone else here combine these two hobbies? I've looked for websites that cater to this to no avail. But since everything that can exist does exist on the internet in some form, I'm sure it's out there somewhere...
Not a long distance runner LOL but Cumberland MD (CBE) is right next to the C&O canal towpath trail, which is a popular trail for distance bikers and runners.
Not a long distance runner LOL but Cumberland MD (CBE) is right next to the C&O canal towpath trail, which is a popular trail for distance bikers and runners.

Thanks looks interesting. Also I finally found someone with a website on this topic- a private pilot who now lives in Arizona but has run a few places near me:

Anyone know of others? Curious to see how much untapped interest there is on this topic...
2B2 Plum Island

Great little airport. Has a Taco truck that shows up on weekends. Short run down to the Plum Island beach. Nice park that traverses the length of the island. Can run on the beach if you want that instead. Trails on the bay side as well. Then tacos/burritos afterwards.
I'm not in your neighborhood, but I do this fairly often.

Sometimes I'm looking for a good place to run or specific terrain ... But really, you can run almost anywhere.
If you like trail running, check for airports near camping, hiking or other outdoor attractions (AdventurePilot works pretty well for this).

Sometimes I fly and run for food - like, beef on weck in Buffalo. Although, the run back isn't always that pleasant ;-)

Sometimes I fly to races and use the run between the airport and the race venue as my warm-up and cool-down.

I also fly to bigger races in advance and work out land transportation as needed.

This weekend I'll be flying up to a resort town for a marathon, hoofing it to the hotel with a light pack.
Let me get this straight. Some of you run because you want to?

Sigh...I'm going to need another beer. :D
Aeroflex, Andover NJ (12N) is in a wooded state park with lakes on each end and miles of walking or running trails.
Pilots far more reputable than me have been known to find this rewarding :)

Ahhhh - that's why I don't understand it. I'm definitely not reputable! :)
I only run away from danger or after wimmin.

I think flying 100 miles away, landing, and running home would be a good exercise. Repeat to retrieve the aircraft.

The again, when a colleague said he ran ultra marathons I thought that meant people shot at him while he was running. Good motivation.
Ha! I was there on Saturday with wife and 7wk old son for his first plane ride. Makes for a good walk too.

Cool! I was the blue and white Mooney M20C on the ramp that afternoon in case you saw it. Fun little place to land, though putting green by rwy threshold made me a tad nervous. Golfer might get bonked with a wheel if you're dragging it in.
Lock Haven, PA (Piper Memorial Airport) is the actual start point for the megatransect 45-50k (depending on the year), and its actually where I ran my first 50k, without any training for it, in the mountains. They call it a hike run because unless you're Scott jurek level, you will never run the whole thing.