Dating Your Flight Instructor?

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I had another lesson with her. Was a bit more fun/flirty/cheeky than in the past.
Also, and more importantly, I learned that there is another instructor that I can get my tailwheel endorsement with in the same airplane I currently train in.
This knowledge empowered me send my instructor a message and invite her to go to what some would consider a somewhat romantic event with me. She wanted to go, but had another (legitimate) commitment already.
So now that you've "come out of the closet", next time ask her in person. If you aren't brave enough, just act like someone that is.
Wait you went flying with her, then went home and sent her a message!? Can I get a collective "c'mon man"?
Messaged her to ask her on a date.

That should qualify for an automatic rejection, followed by pointing and laughing.

There was so much going on at the airport that I never had a chance to ask her in person.

See my previous comment.

You need a lesson in courting women.

Kids these days. :nonod:
He went from friendzone to creepy friendzone. Odds of success are minuscule. The only thing that might work is a brash, overtly sexual, in person, move. Yeah that might get you rejected and make her uncomfortable, but it is the only chance you have. Plenty of other girlies out there.
He went from friendzone to creepy friendzone. Odds of success are minuscule.

I am afraid you are right.

Short of life-saving cancer treatment, there is no 'prior committments' that wouldn't be cancelled if she was interested.

Sorry, she's just not into you ;-)
But, is she an ag tailwheel pilot, corporate / airline tailwheel pilot, or someone who just happens to fly a Cub / Pitts / whatever?

Can she REALLY handle a Cessna 185?
Tap her like a pony keg at a frat party. If things go sideways, just find another CFI, there's more than plenty available.
Here is a good first date if you are nearby...

Cuff Me: The Unauthorized Fifty Shades of Grey Musical Parody
Tuesday, October 22 - Sunday, November 3, 2013 In Richardson, TX
She will either freak out or not. Either way it will be an interesting evening. :lol:

There was so much going on at the airport that I never had a chance to ask her in person.
I don't subscribe to the "do it perfect or not at all" theory. But I also believe in the theory that "bad tactics will destroy even the best strategy."

I suggest that if you couldn't work in an invitation to go eat somewhere together after your lesson, it would have been much better to delay asking until you could do it face-to-face. You never get another chance to make a first impression. Hopefully you'll be able to recover. An invitation to a date, much like sex, is always better when done in person.
Depending on age the times they are a changin'

My relationship started with texting, then ended via texting, then restarted via Facebook...
I had another lesson with her. Was a bit more fun/flirty/cheeky than in the past.
Also, and more importantly, I learned that there is another instructor that I can get my tailwheel endorsement with in the same airplane I currently train in.
This knowledge empowered me send my instructor a message and invite her to go to what some would consider a somewhat romantic event with me. She wanted to go, but had another (legitimate) commitment already.


Never use a text message or email to ask a girl out. There's nothing less personal than a wall of text. You were in a flight with her. After landing, on taxi back to the hangar, that's when you say "Hey, what are you doing tonight - want to go do [insert some form of foreplay here]?"

Never, never, never ask a girl out via text message unless you are in high school and you're trying to avoid catching the teacher's ire for talking during class.


You can fix this - but you have to drop the damn text message idea and just ask her out next time you are together.

Edit: My suggestion to fix this: Next time you are flying, after you're done, tell her something like "So, I know I had to reject your last attempt to go out with me, but I have a personal policy to avoid accepting dates via text message...I mean, how lame is that? Anyway, I am available tonight, if you want to try to make it up to me for such a lame attempt at asking me out."

Then you've injected humor, some self-degradation in the face of a poor decision, and you'll actually have a shot at winning her over. The alternative is to just become Don Juan and as soon as the flight is over, grab her, kiss her, and hope she doesn't slap you.
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Book a flight with her, but take her out instead of flying. What's the worst that could happen? You might get propped off by her and then get to log some real dual...
Does anyone wonder why women are not answering?

In all fairness, I doubt many women would tip their hat on this one anyway because the only answer that works goes back to primal response, and most women refuse to admit that primal response exists.
In all fairness, I doubt many women would tip their hat on this one anyway because the only answer that works goes back to primal response, and most women refuse to admit that primal response exists.

I just figured they thought it was funny, lets be honest, we are all idiots in this area
I had another lesson with her. Was a bit more fun/flirty/cheeky than in the past.
Also, and more importantly, I learned that there is another instructor that I can get my tailwheel endorsement with in the same airplane I currently train in.
This knowledge empowered me send my instructor a message and invite her to go to what some would consider a somewhat romantic event with me. She wanted to go, but had another (legitimate) commitment already.
That time of the month ? :D
But, is she an ag tailwheel pilot, corporate / airline tailwheel pilot, or someone who just happens to fly a Cub / Pitts / whatever?

Can she REALLY handle a Cessna 185?

To answer your first question, I do not think that she is currently an ag/airline/corporate tailwheel pilot.

I do not know if she can REALLY handle a Cessna 185 or not.
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