I would try this one first. It's a Canadian company and it's 2 bucks a month....
Lots of folks use this to buy NFL gamepass to stream NFL Sunday Ticket from other countries to avoid NFL blackout rules. They say it works pretty well.
Last year you were able to use it to stream NFL games from the Netherlands for free, though that's no longer available.
this year, I guess you can buy gamepass for like 149 from Argentina, is the best rate, I think. Lot's of VPN services out there, this one gets good reviews, for $2 bucks, worth a shot. Good luck.
This is a VPN that you can try for free. They used to market a usb stick (maybe they still do), but you can download and try 500mb for free then it's like 5 bucks a month. you could probably watch all the shows for 5 bucks....