Eagle I
Pre-takeoff checklist
So today I found myself in kind of an odd situation. My partner and I were passengers on a United flight from Chicago to Boston, seated over the right wing. As the flight was still boarding, I looked out and noticed that the trailing edge flap had what looked like a chunk missing. I would say the missing piece was about 4 by 4 inches, although it wasn't entirely square in shape. I took a photo of it, and flagged down a flight attendant to show her. At first she said she thought it was supposed to be that way, but then to her credit, she looked on the other side of the plane and realized that what I was seeing was not normal. She looked a bit concerned herself, and said she'd go get her cell phone so that she could get a photo and show the captain. In the meantime, a maintenance guy came aboard to fix the light over the aisle seat in our row. So we decided to mention the flap damage to him. He completely dismissed it with some idiotic explanation to the effect that the wing was designed that way because of the way the engine was mounted. Clearly he hadn't even looked to see what we were talking about. So then the flight attendant returned, had me take a photo using her iPhone, then she went up to the cockpit with it. We watched her just to make sure she wasn't just blowing our concern off. Next thing we know, one of the pilots was out on the tarmac with the maintenance guy, manual of some sort in hand, looking up at the damage with a flashlight. I thought for sure the flight would be canceled. But no, soon we were pushing away from the gate, and the flight attendant came back to tell us the captain assured her it was safe. I guess I felt better that he was at least aware of the situation. Had no one come to even look, had our concerns just been summarily dismissed, I think we would have elected to get off the plane. Still, this incident has bothered me. I know there's a lot of expertise on this site. Was I overreacting? Or was the flight crew being too dismissive of the damage? I'll attempt to post a couple of photos.