That qualifies as a prop strike under the AD so please comply with the prop strike inspection before further flight!Flew yesterday to knock the rust off...a much-needed series of storms has kept me grounded.
Lake Elsinore filling back up...nice.
To help with the TP shortage, I threw a roll out of my plane and cut it with the prop three times on the way down. You know, to help distribute it. I'm a giver.
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Not aView attachment 84465 person in sight
Went out and test flew my new G5 install! Waiting on an Airgizmos mount for my iPad for a cleaner mount:
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Hopefully a once-in-a-lifetime view.Out for a walk. I'm an essential worker who lives and works here in the epicenter, so I'm out daily anyway. Social distancing of course
'USNS Comfort'... Mercy-class hospital ship.
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the Concord looks tiny, but when I stood under it's wings and went on board a few years ago, it was not! View attachment 84269 View attachment 84270 View attachment 84271 View attachment 84272 View attachment 84273
Beautiful Phantom! You cheaterOk. Cheating. Painting hanging in my office.
It does look like a dolphin.Did a quick round trip to Gatlinburg, TN with one touch and go there.
Flew over KTYS at 5,500’. Apparently lots of out-of-service planes parked on the closed runway there:
After the touch and go at Gatlinburg, flew over Dollywood. Sad to see it completely empty on a beautiful spring Saturday when it would normally be packed:
Karen thinks our FlightAware track - which truncated our touch and go at Gatlinburg - looks like a dolphin!
After the touch and go at Gatlinburg, flew over Dollywood. Sad to see it completely empty on a beautiful spring Saturday when it would normally be packed:
Nice P-51 pics. That’s me in the back of the J. The artist Steve Tack was in the backseat of the Phantom flight lead. He gave the painting to me at my retirement. Good times!Beautiful Phantom! You cheaterThat was probably my favorite plane when I was a kid. I thought the wings and tail section design was so cool looking (still do).
When I saw these beauties, I knew they would make an awesome addition to my flightsim man cave
RTB with my wingman after a successful mission
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Wow! That's cool. Makes it even more special. Funny how I hadn't noticed your avatar until now.Nice P-51 pics. That’s me in the back of the J. The artist Steve Tack was in the backseat of the Phantom flight lead. He gave the painting to me at my retirement. Good times!