Daily Pic

@German guy @SoCal RV Flyer How do you get them off? And can it be reused once you take it off?

We leave the base permanently on, they are not re-usable (really cheap, though). To remove the base, I found it best to 'cut' the foam adhesive with a braided fishing line. Some of it will remain on the surface but can easily be peeled off without leaving any trace on the paint.
Between layers....

After endless hours at my old 1915 era Singer, my new cowl cover is finally done! Made of jacket liner, 80g thinsulate and then backpack type nylon. First pic is my "cowl cover" it has replaced, last pic shows the little add on I did to to keep oil from the vent tube from dripping out into the cover, I sewed in a chunk of air compressor hose, which slips right in the vent tube, so any drips still exit. It was a fun project, glad it's done. I'm almost done with the prop covers, but that's been easy compared to the cowl cover.

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After endless hours at my old 1915 era Singer, my new cowl cover is finally done! Made of jacket liner, 80g thinsulate and then backpack type nylon. First pic is my "cowl cover" it has replaced, last pic shows the little add on I did to to keep oil from the vent tube from dripping out into the cover, I sewed in a chunk of air compressor hose, which slips right in the vent tube, so any drips still exit. It was a fun project, glad it's done. I'm almost done with the prop covers, but that's been easy compared to the cowl cover.
Nice cover. Looks like you could make yourself a nice side hustle selling those.
Nice cover. Looks like you could make yourself a nice side hustle selling those.

Thank you, but let me tell ya, the $400-500 the shops charge for em is not a rip off! I had about $140 in material, that would put me at about $3/hr for labor, lol. I do figure Between cowl and the prop spinner cover they would have cost $600-$700, so to get that for $140 plus a lot of enjoyment I’m happy. I didn’t think it would be that much work! Gave me something to do when Wx was too nasty to fly this winter... I was going to make one for a couple aviation friends I owe a “thank you” to, but I think I’ll opt for the bottle of Crown Royal now :)
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Almost got my official Cessna Diamond today, ended up with a little over half the diamond and a long straight gash! The good news is there was no harm done to the aileron!

My new work bench was promptly moved, what the H I was thinking putting it where I did I have no clue. First time using it I turned from it and bam! Had my lil guy with me, I won’t lie it knocked me to me knees, rang my bell fairly well, and greatly concerned my little airport fellow junkie.
That's probably my favorite mount location too. Here's my latest video of the Super Bloom down near Lake Elsinore. A second location is under the wing on an inspection panel, which gives me the option of putting it in one of six different locations, as the inspection panels are identical.

Great video! Gives a nice perspective of what we get to see and most don't. You also flew right over my house, near Canyon Lake. Recognized Hemet Ryan and Cable. Cable's runway is always fun. - wavy, hump and slight tilt to the left.
@Huckster79 I’ve walked into the trailing edge. It’s one of the few times it’s helped me being short. I usually glance underneath.

Is that a C140? How long ago did you get it? What part of the world are you flying in? Midwest?
Weather in Charlotte wasn’t very welcoming but I got some IMC time:

Our Mooney at Concord (KJQF):


The next morning we loaded the four cats into the plane and left Concord.

Approaching the Appalachian Mountains:





Our furry passengers appreciated the climb to 10,000’: :D


Back in Michigan

Don't worry, I'm IFR rated and don't need to see over the instrument panel dad. He actually kept it pretty level, except when he pushed forward on the yoke because he wanted to dive (not sure how he knew that). The second pic is a barge on the Ohio near KY8, had just taken off.
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All business!! So
@Huckster79 I’ve walked into the trailing edge. It’s one of the few times it’s helped me being short. I usually glance underneath.

Is that a C140? How long ago did you get it? What part of the world are you flying in? Midwest?

Yea! She a 1947 C140, she’s got the c85 w the 0-200 goodies inside her. I bought her in November after a 4 year break in flying... I woke up on day after a dream of buying a plane (Cherokee 6 in the dream) and said if I don’t buy a bird I’ll never fly again. Started that day looking and researching planes and decided on the 120/140. I’ve kep my flying club membership so I have access to a nice 180hp 172 if I need 4 seats but for burger runs can sip gas flying Shirley. I named her that after my grandma as I had 4 boys so couldn’t pass her name in that way. She would have been young and starting their family when 59V was brand new.

I found her in Nebraska where she lived most of her life, there and surrounding states, but her first home was White Cloud MI where the local Chrysler dealer bought her n flew her back and forth to Detroit a lot. White Cloud is just a short hop from her current home with me at 6d6, Greenville MI.

So far having a great time, had to learn tailwheel with her and have loved that. Though till I build more confidence and experience it limits my flying at times if crosswinds are not friendly and such.

I’m getting ready to do some touch up painting and had hooker harnesses installed. Hoping to restripe her to the red 140A paint scheme this summer...

Sorry that was far more than you asked but I guess as a fellow aviator you understand- ask me a question about my bird and ya better refill your coffee cup! Lol
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Marble Canyon (L41) yesterday.View attachment 73400

Approaching San Diego (KMYF) today.View attachment 73399

Ahh, memories! I learned to fly out of Montgomery Field (MYF) in the mid-1990s. I soloed at Brown Field (SDM) near the Mexican border. My second time around, I followed a C-130 who had just dropped jumpers and decided to do a touch and go. Even though I touched down after him and rotated before him, I found his wake anyway and had a few seconds of "fun"... :)
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Prop and spinner cover complete:) much easier than the cowl... CAFADB1D-CF97-4799-88C1-7F15CE14CF4F.jpeg

The spinner cover is sewn to the blade cover that’s on pilot side..EDD67350-E4C0-49A6-A8F6-BA97ECF51E4C.jpeg
The passenger side one Velcro’s to the spinner cover to keep it from flapping and the blade cover from falling off, though it’s pretty snug. F1A8D123-1475-4D80-81CD-2A1454A57272.jpeg

Very pleased the project is done
Almost got my official Cessna Diamond today, ended up with a little over half the diamond and a long straight gash! The good news is there was no harm done to the aileron!

My new work bench was promptly moved, what the H I was thinking putting it where I did I have no clue. First time using it I turned from it and bam! Had my lil guy with me, I won’t lie it knocked me to me knees, rang my bell fairly well, and greatly concerned my little airport fellow junkie.

If it makes anyone feel better, I still have a scar from trying to jump directly into the left seat of an Archer. No diamond, but those Piper doors have sharp edges!
Very nice! Would love to fly the same flight one day. What was the total time enroute?

I think I did around 2:30 hr from KSMO to KLAS. But I do have to say that winds were fine and SOCAL app let me enter Burbank C and climb out pretty quick. Mcarran was pretty friendly and reasonable on the fees ($40 + $60 that can be waived with 15 gal $7.99 fuel).

Departed this morning back via Kingman to Scottsdale:

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I think I did around 2:30 hr from KSMO to KLAS. But I do have to say that winds were fine and SOCAL app let me enter Burbank C and climb out pretty quick. Mcarran was pretty friendly and reasonable on the fees ($40 + $60 that can be waived with 15 gal $7.99 fuel).

Departed this morning back via Kingman to Scottsdale:

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Very nice. Thanks
I think I did around 2:30 hr from KSMO to KLAS. But I do have to say that winds were fine and SOCAL app let me enter Burbank C and climb out pretty quick. Mcarran was pretty friendly and reasonable on the fees ($40 + $60 that can be waived with 15 gal $7.99 fuel).

Departed this morning back via Kingman to Scottsdale:

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Good info. I plan to take a flight out to Vegas from Camarillo come end of June.
Great video! Gives a nice perspective of what we get to see and most don't. You also flew right over my house, near Canyon Lake. Recognized Hemet Ryan and Cable. Cable's runway is always fun. - wavy, hump and slight tilt to the left.

Thanks! Yeah, Cable certainly has its quirks but it's a great little drome. Coming in from the north, you get pitched around a lot from wind tumbling off the mountains. Runway is definitely a sine curve! And if I'm taking off on 06, I always slow-roll it past the numbers before throttling up, to minimize the effect of bumps there.