A friend sent a discount to me for HelloFresh meals, so we tried them just for grins. They're really quite good. Don't have any pictures (yeah, I know, that's the title of the thread) but if you are running out of ideas for meals and want to try something different, you might look into them (I can send you a discount coupon). Neither of us is a very creative cook and we both hate spending a lot of time on cooking, so we get tired of the "basic" meals we do make. In addition, my husband has some stomach problems, and most of these meals have sat well with him. Kind of expensive without the discount, but still cheaper than eating in a restaurant, which is what we do 90% of the time when it's his night to cook.
If you aren't familiar with HelloFresh, the idea is they send you all the ingredients you need for a meal (except basics like salt, pepper, butter, oil), along with the instructions, and the ingredients are fresh, even the meat. It's a subscription that you can end any time, and you have a pretty broad range of choices. You can specify things like calorie conscious, carb conscious, etc. The main thing I don't like is some parts of the packaging are not recyclable, especially the insulated box lining. It's something you could reuse, but you don't need a ton of them, so if you get a box a week, you end up with a ton of them. Supposedly the ice pack (on which they lay the fresh meat) has a non-toxic filling that can go down the drain, but we have a septic system, so I'm a bit reluctant to do that. Really, the lining is the main problem.
But the meals are tasty and sure do break up the boredom, if that's a problem in your house. If you'd like a discount, send me your email in a PM and I'll send one. The way it works is you get something like $40 off the first week, $30 the next, etc.).
No, I do NOT work for HelloFresh. I'd never heard of it until my friend sent a discount coupon.