that's interesting. So, I could buy the material and learn it all before I start flying lessons that way I am better prepared?
There are absolutely tons of Private Pilot ground school courses and self-study books, videos, DVDs, etc. Definitely going to need to do some of that.
During actual training, your instructor may have a "favorite" brand of study material, and might suggest a particular book or books, but if you're like most of us, you'll have that one and three more accumulated over time.
No harm in getting the material in your head however you can. Your instructor still has to both teach it and grill you on it ( by law, they have to log that you've received instruction in various items ) and you need a sign off to go take the written, but some of the brands of study materials have CFIs on staff who'll sign off those things too, if you want.
Nowadays you also have to do this new thing to have DHS background check you, to get the student certificate, so it's worth getting with a CFI early on, even if you're not going to fly for a bit, and have them help you get things done in the right order on the paperwork side. (Instructor has some other stuff they have to document, like English proficiency, too...)
I think you'll be surprised at how happy most CFIs will be to have someone standing in front of them who WANTS to do their homework. Haha. For some students, getting them to crack the books at home is like pulling teeth and those students end up having to be spoon fed all the ground study material by the CFI, charging by the hour.
It goes a lot smoother if the CFI can just REVIEW the material (again, required by law - don't be frustrated by it if you're a good study and know the material cold, they have to do it) than teach it in short sessions on the clock, topic by topic by topic.
Bottom line: Flying requires self study. You can start that process any time. Instructor can help with making sure you got it right and when/how to do the paperwork for the certificate, medical, and written tests.
I was always a bookworm, and my initial CFI many many years ago always laughed that I would show up knowing all the theory and then get mad at myself that I couldn't DO the stuff. Which of course, was totally normal... But I was young and impatient and thought that by reading it all, you'd DO it all better. Haha. Nope.
Time under the curve, needed. Have to go fly and practice all that stuff after you know it in your head... But no harm at all studying a good Private Pilot home study course.